Social Media Hashtags: What Are They And How To Use Them?

This guest post is written by Junaid Bokhari who is a writer at

twitter HashtagsSocial media has arguably seen the most significant rise in the last decade. What started as a means to stay in touch with your loved ones has now turned into huge promoting grounds for large businesses, events, and celebrities among others. Plenty of social media outlets exist. Some of them are Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr, and YouTube. Over the time, each individual company has been constantly evolving and bringing about new, interactive changes to their services. One of those introductions is the infamous Hash tag (#).

The use of the Hash tag was originally brought to the surface by Twitter. Gradually, it skyrocketed with its popularity. This resulted in plenty of other companies to incorporate its use in their services. The hash tag is tailored to perform live searches in a unique manner. For this phenomenon to work correctly, it needs to be used the right way on different sites.

Case #1: Twitter

It is only fitting to mention the originators of the hash tagging first, Twitter. Best use of the hash tag is provided by Twitter, no surprise here. The basic purpose it serves is to target a certain audience. Let�s see how they actually work on Twitter. Hash tags attract attention of people that have similar interests. For instance, you decide to go to a cricket match at the upcoming T20 World Cup. You could use a hash tag here. Your tweet would look something like this.

�Went to Pakistan vs New Zealand cricket match! Unbelievable game! #icct20worldcup�

The use of the hash tag here would link your tweet in the live search results with all the other tweets coming from around the world, that have used the same hash tag. Besides this, the hash tag can be used to see an increase in your subject�s popularity on Twitter. You may start a hash tag, and if you get other people to post related to the same tag, it might trend worldwide or in your region to attract even more eyes!

Case #2 Facebook

Up next is Facebook, the leading social media website today. As many of you would already know, the hash tags don�t usually work on Facebook and achieve no purpose, yet you would still see them on people�s statuses.

This is due to the fact that many people use apps that synchronize their accounts on different social media websites. So, when they compose and post a tweet, it automatically gets posted on Facebook as their status as well. Besides this, hash tags are a symbol of trend setters, it�s just cool to hash tag.

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The hash tag on Google+ can be used in a similar fashion to that of twitter. Google had already made attempts in the past to try their luck in social networking, but failed. Google+, since its birth, has met with great expectations from the general public and Google itself. The Hash tag was among many efforts made by Google to allow Google+ to live up to those expectations.

The hash tag connects different posts regarding the same subject. You can place a hash tag at the end of each of your posts on a particular matter. Therefore, when you would have multiple posts with the same hash tag, you can easily search them by simply typing in the hash tag in the search bar.

Case #3 Pinterest

Surprised? I was too. What is more surprising is the fact that in some instances the use of hash tag on Pinterest might turn out to be more useful than Twitter! Hash tagging on the images you pin can allow them to be more searchable, and would give you an advantage over those who wouldn�t hash tag. The hash tagging can be done in the description of your image.

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One thing you need to keep under consideration while hash tagging is that it will only work on the images that you upload, it won�t be effective on any existing image that you might share directly.

End Note

To end my post, I would just like to praise the innovators behind the use of hash tag. It surely is an important aspect of social media, and can prove to be very crucial when it comes to live search. Many people might not have known its functionality and significance outside of Twitter. Well, now you do.

Hash tag it out people! Cheers.

About The Author

Junaid is a passionate writer, who loves writing about trending technology and social media. To see more of his work, follow him at TechEclipse.

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