AskHassam Forum | Launching Best Blogging Forum

Finally! The test drive is over! 

We now officially have a highly user/mobile friendly forum for #AskHassam family to post their blogging questions and get a response in a much faster fashion.

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    • ##check## Clear Up Your Blogging Related Questions
      •  Join the forum now by heading over to AskHassam Forum, create an account in a minute and start posting your questions. Can't wait to get back to your queries InshaAllah.

Forum's Key Features:

1. Posts won't just vanish and get dead after new posts would come up.
2. Amazing search feature to look for your questions.
3. Amazing User profiles/Badge system to motivate and trigger helpful environment InshaAllah <3

P.S From now on wards, I'll be more active on the forum and will try my best to get back to every questions short/long posted there.

Why The Change?

I always loved Facebook groups and it's notification feature integrated amazingly well with Facebook, BUT, all the efforts go into vain as the posts can't be
re consumed in a better way, later on.

Why Again?

We previously had this for a month of two for testing purposes and now Alhumdulilah the forum now has everything working, email notifications, 3 ways to signup etc.

Hope that helps you all out.

Looking forward to your questions.

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