9 Unconventional Tools For Facebook Analytics!

All of you might have experienced this fact that nowadays there is a lot of competition in every field of life. Life has no doubt become a race which is being led by the society of today, as every member of this society wants to beat the other, no matter what sector it is.

Now in this scenario it is really important, as i consider it the most important thing, to not let anyone take lead from you as a very small negligence of yours or being simple lazy can cost you a lot. If i refer to the business sector, it can even cost your market and customers as you can loose your customers and market very easily.

As i was talking about the options available, if i refer to the business sector and the corporate sector, social networking websites have made certain things really simple. In this regard, advertising your stuff is not a big deal now as you can advertise your product easily on Facebook, twitter etc easily and grab a large number of customers that can not only boost your market reputation and customer number but also can give you a large number of new ideas and options.

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Facebook Analytic Tools

Now, if you choose Facebook as a medium for your business you certainly need something to maintain it. Something reliable which can keep a track and record of everything necessary. So folks! today's post is specifically for maintaining your Facebook, the analytic tools for Facebook!

Facebook Analytic Tools
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Top 9 Tools!

So guys here are some of the best and most efficient analytic tools that can be used for the maintenance for Facebook.

1) Buddy Media Analytic Tool

This tool is considered as an efficient and a best one as far as marketing is concerned. The best feature of this tool is that it assigns a certain numeral to the brand you wish to advertise and then keeps a proper record   of that brand advertised like the number of visitors etc. Apart from this it also compares it with other social networking websites and provides you with the statistical data that helps maintaining the progress really easy.

2) Webtrends Analytic Tool

This tool basically uses Facebook data of your brand and then on the basis of that compares your progress with the rest on other social networking websites. Apart from this you can have from it a number of things like custom reports, navigation etc.

3) Unilyzer Analytic Tool

This tool basically comes in a number of versions or packages from which you can avail a number of services they offer. Its free package can serve the purpose really well and from that you can easily get trends, your brand progress and the quality along with the number and type of visitors.

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4) Pagelever Analytic Tool

This tool is by far the most favourite tool in this field as it provides you with a number of features that you can avail really easily. It also comes in different versions and its trial version is also available. It gives a detailed progress of your brand by giving a complete data of the visitors and by keeping a record of them. The best part of this tool is that it can be used for small and large businesses both, as per your requirement. 

5) EdgeRank Checker Analytic Tool

This tool also comes in two versions, the free version and the pro version which definitely includes a number of additional features. It is the most simple tool with a very easy understanding pattern as well as a straight forward working principle which makes its usage simple and easy. It provides you with all the other necessary features present in an analytic tool with tips and analysis reports as well.

6) Clickable Analytic Tool

This tool is more appropriate for advertisers as it provides with the most effective management along with a great analysis on your stuff at Facebook. Along with this it gives you a really good and reliable features that can help you a lot in managing your Facebook and your business on Facebook.

7) Simply Measured Analytic Tool

This tool is regarded as the best one as far as representation is concerned. It gives you a really good representation along with a number a features, Through this tool you can easily manage statistical data that you get from your Facebook page and then you can easily manage it in any form and software you want like power point etc. Its not that difficult with this tool.

Facebook Analytic Tools

8) Social Don Analytic Tool

This tool is a new one as compared to the other tools but is considered as the most efficient and reliable as far as its working is concerned. It comes with an unlimited free trial version this free trial version includes in it all the necessary things. With this managing your progress along with checking your fans on your facebook is now not a big deal.

9) SEOmoz Pro Analytic Tool

This a multipurpose and a multidimensional tool that works with twitter and Facebook both. Along with this it helps you in managing your page by making it an easy job.  It primarily offers SEO services, but also offers social analytic tools. Therefore it can be used for this purpose and it does fulfill the purpose real well.

Marketing Through Facebook Made Easy!

So guys, here were some of the best and most reliable analytic tools that can not only help in managing your products and pages on Facebook but also will certainly give a boost to your business and marketing of your products. In the end like always, positive comments are appreciated.

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