Can You Trade in Forex to Make Money?

This guest post is written by Grace who is a financial expert.

Trade in Forex to Make Money
Being in debt is one of the most sickening things on earth. Debt can break a person down emotionally and physically. It will only get worse with time unless something is done about it. It is hard to describe the feeling unless you've been in debt and even harder to live with it every day.

Many debtors are not able to put up with the shame and end up taking drastic actions. Debt will force you to make adjustments all the time and lead to poor living conditions. Money is also a leading cause of health problem. How so? Ask the countless debtors suffering from insomnia, who can't sleep at night due to their mounting debts. Debtors usually make no savings.

After paying every penny they earn towards their debt, they lose their confidence and loose interest in life.

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Can forex trading help?

But there are ways that you could rid yourself of the debt monster, though it may take some time. One of these is forex trading. The intention is not to get into more debt. You should just aim to skim enough off the market.

Like this collect a decent amount every month to pay for the next installment on the car or mortgage. And believe me, the forex market gives ample opportunities to everyone who will take it seriously.

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Learn before you invest

Before you begin you need to educate yourself on the forex market. You have to what the market is made of, what are the risks and what kinds of players are out there. There are many sources available like books, the internet, journals, trading magazines, self help groups and classes that will help you learn the basics.

Once you are comfortable with it, you can begin to start learning trading strategies, technical and fundamental analysis, and trading psychology. You will also need to learn strategies for money management. Forex trading is not for the weak and requires dedication and perseverance to succeed.

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Start small

Once you have learnt the ropes you can start practicing with small amounts. Always used loss arresting techniques like stop losses because you don't want you capital to erode.

 Once you are skimming money from the market, you have to take this money and put it in a separate 'debt account', that you will only use to pay off your debts and nothing else.

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Make prudent investment decisions

Deliberate on every trade. Don't get greedy and never ever bite more than you can chew. You intention is only to make enough money so that you can meet the next installment on your debt and not anything more.
Many money exchanges put up news about the forex market on their website. Go through the news. Maybe you can use some of it. Stick to the plan and set stops and limits. If the market is too choppy avoid trading on that day.
Respect the market always and it will respect you. Over time you will make enough money to pay off that debt.

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About The Author

Grace is a financial expert associated with money exchange a company that brings various foreign exchange rates and offers foreign exchange transfers. You visit their website to find euro exchange rate today.

Featureso Sunday, 30 September 2012
9 Unconventional Tools For Facebook Analytics!

All of you might have experienced this fact that nowadays there is a lot of competition in every field of life. Life has no doubt become a race which is being led by the society of today, as every member of this society wants to beat the other, no matter what sector it is.

Now in this scenario it is really important, as i consider it the most important thing, to not let anyone take lead from you as a very small negligence of yours or being simple lazy can cost you a lot. If i refer to the business sector, it can even cost your market and customers as you can loose your customers and market very easily.

As i was talking about the options available, if i refer to the business sector and the corporate sector, social networking websites have made certain things really simple. In this regard, advertising your stuff is not a big deal now as you can advertise your product easily on Facebook, twitter etc easily and grab a large number of customers that can not only boost your market reputation and customer number but also can give you a large number of new ideas and options.

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Facebook Analytic Tools

Now, if you choose Facebook as a medium for your business you certainly need something to maintain it. Something reliable which can keep a track and record of everything necessary. So folks! today's post is specifically for maintaining your Facebook, the analytic tools for Facebook!

Facebook Analytic Tools
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Top 9 Tools!

So guys here are some of the best and most efficient analytic tools that can be used for the maintenance for Facebook.

1) Buddy Media Analytic Tool

This tool is considered as an efficient and a best one as far as marketing is concerned. The best feature of this tool is that it assigns a certain numeral to the brand you wish to advertise and then keeps a proper record   of that brand advertised like the number of visitors etc. Apart from this it also compares it with other social networking websites and provides you with the statistical data that helps maintaining the progress really easy.

2) Webtrends Analytic Tool

This tool basically uses Facebook data of your brand and then on the basis of that compares your progress with the rest on other social networking websites. Apart from this you can have from it a number of things like custom reports, navigation etc.

3) Unilyzer Analytic Tool

This tool basically comes in a number of versions or packages from which you can avail a number of services they offer. Its free package can serve the purpose really well and from that you can easily get trends, your brand progress and the quality along with the number and type of visitors.

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4) Pagelever Analytic Tool

This tool is by far the most favourite tool in this field as it provides you with a number of features that you can avail really easily. It also comes in different versions and its trial version is also available. It gives a detailed progress of your brand by giving a complete data of the visitors and by keeping a record of them. The best part of this tool is that it can be used for small and large businesses both, as per your requirement. 

5) EdgeRank Checker Analytic Tool

This tool also comes in two versions, the free version and the pro version which definitely includes a number of additional features. It is the most simple tool with a very easy understanding pattern as well as a straight forward working principle which makes its usage simple and easy. It provides you with all the other necessary features present in an analytic tool with tips and analysis reports as well.

6) Clickable Analytic Tool

This tool is more appropriate for advertisers as it provides with the most effective management along with a great analysis on your stuff at Facebook. Along with this it gives you a really good and reliable features that can help you a lot in managing your Facebook and your business on Facebook.

7) Simply Measured Analytic Tool

This tool is regarded as the best one as far as representation is concerned. It gives you a really good representation along with a number a features, Through this tool you can easily manage statistical data that you get from your Facebook page and then you can easily manage it in any form and software you want like power point etc. Its not that difficult with this tool.

Facebook Analytic Tools

8) Social Don Analytic Tool

This tool is a new one as compared to the other tools but is considered as the most efficient and reliable as far as its working is concerned. It comes with an unlimited free trial version this free trial version includes in it all the necessary things. With this managing your progress along with checking your fans on your facebook is now not a big deal.

9) SEOmoz Pro Analytic Tool

This a multipurpose and a multidimensional tool that works with twitter and Facebook both. Along with this it helps you in managing your page by making it an easy job.  It primarily offers SEO services, but also offers social analytic tools. Therefore it can be used for this purpose and it does fulfill the purpose real well.

Marketing Through Facebook Made Easy!

So guys, here were some of the best and most reliable analytic tools that can not only help in managing your products and pages on Facebook but also will certainly give a boost to your business and marketing of your products. In the end like always, positive comments are appreciated.

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Featureso Saturday, 29 September 2012
Best 11 Tools For Blog Analytics!

After a hectic routine and a day out full of exerting activities, it becomes really difficult for one to spare some time for extra activities except for taking some rest and enjoy. In fact, it is impossible for one to spare time for any other activities. For people out there working on line, it becomes a very difficult to task to manage their online earning sources after a hectic routine.

But, it is really important to do so. So, you all including me would certainly be very curious how to have easy and efficient ways through which you can do this jib really well. Well folks! My today's post includes some of the best ways and methods through which you can manage your online stuff, specially your blogs and blog writings.
The best way to manage and take care of your blogs and your blogging websites is the use of analytic tools for blogging. As by this your work is almost reduced to half and managing becomes really easy.

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Analytic tools for blogging??

Analytic tools are basically a user friendly and helping tools that provide the owner, maker and operator of a specific website to manage and keep a record of the progress of that website. So we can say that by the use of these analytic tools managing your website becomes a piece of cake folks!

Top 11 free tools!

Here are some of the most famous and efficient analytic tools that are free and which can make your work way too simple.

1) The Google Analytics Tool

This tools is by far the best analytic tool and is considered as the leader of analytic tools as it provides its user with some best features and efficiency in all aspects. With the use of this tool you can get your mind free from all sorts of worries and tensions as this tool alone can handle all of your online stuff. It provides you with statistical numbers of the number of visitors you get, along with the sources of traffic you receive on your website with all their details and even the ways through which you can catch more visitors and traffic for your website. It can be used by any person, either an expert or any beginner as it is a complete user friendly package. Indeed folks! this tool is the leader of all analytic tools.

2) The Grape Web Statics Tool

This one of the most efficient and best analytic tools as it gives you a number of features. The basic feature of this analytic tools is that it provides you with the most basic statistical data such as the visitor number etc in the most simple form. Therefore we can say that it is by far the best analytic tool for those who are in search of basic simple open source option to manage stuff on website.

3)The AwStats tool

This analytic tools is also by far considered as one of the best analytic tools as it is really famous and favourite among the users and website managers. Apart from this it comes installed on many hosting accounts. And is basically distributed under the GNU general public licence. This tools provides its user with some of the most basic features and statistical data in full detail such the number of visitors and their corresponding comments etc.

4) The StatCounter Tool

This is again a very efficient and a user friendly analytic tool as it provides its users with almost all of the statistical data that one needs while maintain his website. This is basically designed for those websites which receives a lesser number of visitors. This analytic tool can provide you with basic data such as referral sources, popular pages, entry pages, exit pages, keyword analysis, browser stats, operating system stats, resolution stats etc, almost all the necessary data.

5) The Reinvigorate Tool

This tool basically comes in two forms, versions and types. One is the paid one while other is the free or trial package. The free package or version is for a limited time span and includes in itself some of the features not all the features of a basic analytic tool. With the free version you can easily get all the basic statistical data such as number of visitors etc and with the paid one you can get access to all the types of features. But still it is an easy to use and an efficient analytic tool.

6) The Going Up Tool

This is yet again a really good analytic tool as working on it is a really good experience. While working on it you can't experience the factor of boredom as it has within it a wide range of colourful features. The statistical data is represented in graphical and tabular form that makes managing and analyzing your blog progress really easy. With this it has within it all the basic features that are important for an efficient analytic tool.

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7) The Smarter Stats Tool

This analytic tool basically comes in three basic packages or versions, the free version, the paid version and the enterprise version. Every version of this tool is fully loaded as per your requirement as its every version contains within it multiple features. The free version is a really good and an efficient one as far as managing of blogs is concerned as it gives all the basic facilities and features very efficiently that make management of blogging websites really easy.

8) The Trace Watch Tool

This tool is a really good tools that gives you real time data. Its a free and fully functional tool that provides you a great ease by providing you all the basic features that are necessary. With this it also gives you an additional feature of tracing your visitors as it can give you the proper traffic location and proper path taken by the visitor, in case if you want to know about that specific visitor in depth.

9) The Woopra Tool

This tool is yet again the type of that specific tool that is present in two versions, the paid version and the free version. This free version is for a limited time span and contains within it a specific number of features. Which means you can get access to all the features on the paid version easily. It gives you all the necessary features. And the most interesting feature of this tool is that it gives you the provision of live chat with the visitors who visit your blogs and interact with them really easily. So guys you can manage and interact with people at one time through this tool easily.

10) The Piwick Tool

This tool can serve you as an alternative to the google analytic mentioned above in this post as it has within it some of the most important features common. It is user friendly and an easy to use software as it can be easily downloaded and installed on your own web server. Due to this, the installation process of this tool is a little complicated but still it can serve you as the best alternative to google analytics. With this it has all the basic and important features that should be present in an efficient analytic tool.

11) The Linktrack Tool

This is yet again the type of tool that comes in two versions, the free version and the premium version that costs around $7 a month. But unlike others, you can get a fully packed free version as it will contain all sorts of features. This tools is helpful in tracking stuff on you blogging website. Apart from those it can also give you a graphical representation of your desired things and surely management is easy on this tool.

So guys! here were some of the top best and most efficient tools that can really help in managing your blogging websites. In the end, positive comments are appreciated.

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Featureso Friday, 28 September 2012
Top 11 Free Tools for Twitter Analytics!

Tools for Twitter AnalyticsThere has been a remarkable increase in trend these days of joining and interacting with people on social networking websites. Everyone almost who has the basic how know of using Internet is a apart of these social networking websites. And these sites don't only provide you with a platform to just interact with people having different schools of thoughts but also now has become a source a lot things as now these websites are a great source of revenue generation and they can help each and every individual out there in a lot of ways.

If you own a small business, websites like Facebook and Twitter can greatly benefit you as you can very easily advertise your products and grab customers.Folks! these social networking websites are of a great use and have multiple benefits.

Now, if you have a profile at this type of website, you'll definitely want your profile to be the best one out of all the other users profile that use that website like you. But then there is a common question to how to make it the best?? Well folks! my today's post includes some of the solutions and answers to how you can make your profiles more catchy an innovative, and particularly on one of the most famous social networking website, The Twitter!


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Twitter Analytics??

This is basically managing your twitter account which commonly involves in it managing your contacts, friends and stuff related to them. So, basically its nothing more than making and managing your social networking accounts. Apart from this it also gives you a wide range of features that make your account more catchy and interesting

Now to perform these functions you have a very wide range of software's and tools that can perform this act. There are some free one's and some paid one's as well. In my post of today I'll be focusing on free tools that can make managing a really easy job for you to do!

Top 11 Free Tools!

So, guys! here are the most famous and top 11 free tools that can help in making your profiles the best in every aspect.

1) The Follower Wonk

This is a very interesting and full of feature's analytic tool as it has a number of templates and colourful features that can give life to your twitter account and with that make it fly like anything. Its famous Venn diagram feature makes it the most famous amongst all. With this it also gives you the provision of going and searching roots of your friends with their activities and connections.

2) The wordCurl

This is again a really good analytic tools as it keeps you updated by the activities that are going on twitter very efficiently. It's most important feature is the graphical representation of statistics. By this i mean that the activities that are going at twitter is represented by the graphical representation and statistics. It has in it blog facility to help you in every possible way really easily.

3) The Topsy Social

This analytic tools gives you a detailed progress on activities that are going on twitter which mainly involve the people you have subscribed and your friend list. Apart from this, it has all sorts of compatibility applications for all types of gadgets you might use to use twitter so that you can get the best compatibility and you can work with ease.

4) The TweetStats

This is yet again a very interesting and colourful tool as it gives you the provision to get a graphical representation in the form of a bar graph of your tweets on hourly, daily and monthly basis. Because of this feature it is a really popular feature and is almost used by a lot of people. With this it gives you the ease of managing your tweets and twitter account really easily like all other good and famous analytic tools.

5) The Twitter Counter

This analytic tool gives you the additional feature of comparison. By this i mean that you can easily compare your progress with your other fellows that are on twitter. This gives a graphical representation of your progress as well others progress and the comparison you want in the form a line graph and proper comparison tables that is more easy to maintain and analyse. The rest are the same features like good other analytic tools.

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6) The Techcrunch

This is basically an analytic tools by twitter that twitter has formed itself. It is not really available to everyone but yes it is free. Apart from this it isn't really very user friendly as people with no grip on such stuff might face some problems while working on it. The rest, it is also an efficient tool that can be really helpful by getting data straight from the source and the toolset will continue to evolve.

7) The Kred

This is yet again a very efficient tool as it gives you access to the most in and famous articles, music, videos, TV shows etc that go on social networking websites. With this, you can also get as extra provision of interacting with different people as it gives you this platform quite easily and working on this is quite easy. The best part is that it isn't limited to just twitter but can also be used for facebook as well.

8) The Twitalyzer

This is yet again a multipurpose analytic tools as it gives you quite a lot of features. It informs you about your performance as well as when you need to manage your stuff at your social networking account. With this, this tool also gives you a pretty easy access to the famous and hot issue articles that are published on famous article and news websites. A pretty interesting tool it is folks!

9) The Klout

This is again an analytic tool that is not restricted to the use of twitter only but can also be used with other social networking websites like facebook etc. Secondly, it also gives you the feature of comparison of your account and profile with other users. The plus point it has and which i consider as an additional feature is that by entering your data in this tool, it gives you a specific score of your facts which you can further compare. Its fun working like this guys.

10) The TweetEffect

This tool, like all others is yet again a very efficient tool to maintain as well as monitor your progress. The best part of this tool is this that it portrays your progress and facts into a wave form representation with drops and peaks through which you can easily figure out what made you famous and dropped your popularity among your community. It also pinpoints the reasons, like your posts and stuff of your rise and fall of your progress.

11) The TweetLevel

This is again a multi feature analytic tool that can help manage your tweets and your account very easily. It comes with a trial pack which gives you the provision of getting satisfied first and then using this tool. Apart from this it gives you easy access to all your twitter progress. Quite an efficient tool it is folks.

Well guys! these were some of the best and free analytic tools that you can use and make your profiles really catchy and interesting and with this can easily manage your accounts with access to all necessary things in time. In the end, positive comments are recommended folks!

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Featureso Thursday, 27 September 2012
Top 10 Autoresponder Services To Build Your Email List Fast!

As technology is progressing really fast and rapidly, almost everyday we get to hear about a new gadget or a new advanced software. And if not these then surely about new systems, as every company is almost trying to provide its customers the best and most advanced products to not only capture market but also win the race we all are facing in the society of days, and that is to beat all others and lead in every possible field of life.

Now, if i particularly talk about the online sector, somethings are of great importance. As all of you are well aware of the use age and the ways you can benefit from the Internet. You all i guess can understand the importance of customer and social interactions for those people who have Internet as their source of earning, and every person earning online wishes and dreams to have the most efficient systems in which they can easily and efficiently interact with their customers on and off.

Well folks! here is a prime solution for those people out there who have a problem in interacting or rather are searching efficient ways to interact with their customers on and off, the email auto responders!

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Auto responders??

Autoresponders are regarded as one of the most important part in email marketing and newsletter broadcasting. This is basically a system through which you can communicate with your subscribers and customers very easily without even logging into your account. Through this you can easily send emails, welcome notes etc to the new subscribers and answer the questions and queries of the existing ones even without logging into your account as it can perform these functions automatically through sending emails. So guys, after setting an autoresponder you can get free from all sorts of mental tensions regarding customer relations as this tool does its job really well by answering all the emails you get from anybody. Just schedule it and your work is done!


Top 10 Email Autoresponders!

Well guys here are the most efficient and famous top 10 autoresponders that can help in managing your emails and reducing your workload and stress.

1) The iContact Autoresponder

This autoresponder is a really popular one with a number of features that can help you in a lot of ways. Its prices are very competitive and are worth considering as they give you a 30 day free trial pack to check this thoroughly and get satisfied by the performance. Apart from this they also have a large storage space with 99 percent delivery assurance. On this adding photos and managing them isn't big deal. Summarizing it, it is a really easy to use autoresponder on which you guys would love to work and would definitely get satisfied by its performance.

2) The Get Response Autoresponder

This autoresponder is considered as the powerful autoresponder among others as it gives you the provision of advertisement as well. Apart from this services like followup messages, personalized messages etc. A free trial service is also present that can be availed easily.

3) The MailChimp Autoresponder

This is yet again a very famous autoresponder as it also provides you with the initial free trial thing. But one thing it has different is that it is free for a certain limit or say an amount of mails after which charging you will be started automatically on monthly basis. The rest basic features are the same as of other autoresponders but one thing it gives as an additional is that through it you can easily track your emails sent to your dear clients, thus you can maintain a record of the mails sent automatically through an autoresponder.

4) The Aweber Autoresponder

This autoresponder is by far regarded as one of the best and the most reliable autoresponders. It is famous among all the makers as it provides you with really good and interactive features packed in one autoresponder at a really affordable price. Their trial pack costs only around $1 through which you can avail all the features of this autoresponder. But guys, before you want to get started with it i will recommend you to go through the video tutorials very thoroughly as they will greatly help you in working on it.

5) The 1Shopping Cart Autorespponder

As far as this autoresponder is concerned, this is not only an autoresponder but along with it is a complete online marketing solution that provides you with a really better and reliable delivery solutions. Apart from this it includes in it a cart option from which you can buy stuff online which you want to very easily.
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6) The Auto Responce Plus Autoresponder

This is yet again a very reliable autoresponder as it is a very easy to use as well as an easy to install autoresponder. With this it provides faster automated follow up messages for the product launch funnel setup and we can easily setup newsletters with this email marketing system. Like all other autoresponders it contains all sorts of basic and necessary features of an ideal autoresponder.

7) The Interspire Autoresponder

This autoresponder is a very easy to use and user friendly autoresponder as it has an unlimited space for the emails to be sent through the autoresponder. Apart from this the most interesting feature of this autoresponder is that you can easily set and manage the content of email to be sent according to the age and customs of the receiver as software does this work pretty easily. With this all sorts of basic features that are present in an autoresponder are present in this tool.

8) The PLR Newsletters Autoresponder

This is a highly customizable and a high quality newsletter service provider. This basically deals with articles and written stuff as you can easily manage your writing content through it and very easily. With this, it has within it all the basic features that an ideal autoresponder has within it.

9) The Infusion Soft Autoresponder

This autoresponder is an easy to use and a simple autoresponder. This is really ideal for small businesses as it makes sales and marketing of the products quite simple and easy. Apart from this through this autoresponder you can easily manage newsletter tracking and subscribers.

10) The Constant Contact Autoresponder

This autoresponder provides you with a wide range of newsletter templates and a huge space for emails. Apart from this it gives you a 60 day free trial pack to check all the features of this autoresponder. It also provides extra features like videos, images, blog content, Autoresponders, surveys and newsletters.


So guys here were some of the best top 10 autoresponders that can be used and that help you alot in maintaining your online customer relations. In the end, positive comments are appreciated.

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Featureso Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Why You MUST Blog and 3 Ways To Make it EASIER.

You MUST Blog Google recently changed their algorithm...again. This latest penguin update is apparently the search giant's attempt at "going back to the basics" and focusing on content that converts meaning content that actually attracts users and keeps them on your page. This is interesting Catch 22 has existed since the beginning of internet time but is only being exacerbated by Lord Google's recent reminder that, and I know you're sick of hearing it, Content is King.

The Catch 22 I refer to is the fact that Google wants to see that you're getting and retaining traffic before they'll give you a positive ranking but it's very difficult to get traffic without a ranking from the World's largest search engine...which leads me to the topic at hand which also happens to be every digital marketer's secret weapon: blogging.

Blogging is amazing. Its effects are far reaching, long lasting and self-compounding. Blogging helps with nearly every major digital marketing pain point from SEO to database aggregation. So what's the problem? It's hard! Blogging is a massive pain in the rear section that requires creative thinking on an ongoing basis with the same general topics over and over again.

It's not easy to approach the same issues, topics and general areas of study from an exponential number of angles and continuously make the same information not just sound but be relevant, informative and high value.

 Before moving on, you may like to read:

But, like many things in life, the harder it is the better it is for you. So here are three tips to ease your blogging woes and help you become the world class blogger you were meant to be:

1. Write every blog for a first time reader

After you've been blogging for a while you begin to make some assumptions; you assume that you are the most interesting writer on the digital planet, that the whole world is reading your blogs and, once a user stumbles across the best kept secret of the interwebs, they will immediately traverse through your historical archives and catch themselves up on everything you've ever written. Sadly this is not the case. You need to write blogs for new readers - that doesn't mean you can't make educated assumptions about what your target reader base should or shouldn't know. What it does mean is that you can't assume that readers are privy to every piece of information delivered in a previous blog or blogs. If you need to refer back to an idea or topic in order to build upon it make sure that readers understand what you're doing and link back to that article in order to make it easy for them to follow along.

2. Create a blog schedule

Too many writers wait to be inspired. Inspiration is over rated. Instead, plan out your blogs a month in advance. If something happens that inspires you in the mean time, feel free to adjust your schedule accordingly but at least this way you'll always have something to write.

 Choose a topic that is general enough to have multiple facets but specific enough to be able to get specific about. A great example from my field of study (digital marketing) would be web videos.

 As a topic "web videos" is fantastic because there is enough meat on the bones for me to break it up and approach it from a number of different angles in terms of industries, execution, implementation and metrics. From there I can build a breakdown of the topics

I think should be addressed, for example (By the way I'll be writing for all they ):

  • Video alongside SEO
  • Video tip# 1: Stay off script!
  •  Mobile video
  • Video and email marketing
  • Video tip# 2: Be Consistent and ask for a subscription!
  • Daily videos
  • How videos can work for realtors
  • How long should my online video be?
  • What should I do with my online video once I make it?
  • Video tip# 3: Maintain branding (so you're easily recognized)
  • Videos are the most effective when they're relevant - capitalize on recent events
  • Use videos to deliver your sales pitch
  • Video thank you notes
  • On-site vs. In-Studio videos (a Comparison)
  • Video tip# 4: Don't be too stuffy...even you...
  • What makes a good internet video?
  • Going viral is great but building a viewership is more importan
  • How to use videos with social media
  • Video metrics and analytics
  • Video conversion - make your users jump when you say "jump"


3. Use case studies

Rehashing old information is the worst part about being a blogging nut. Having to say the same thing over and over again is enough to drive any person to sitting the garage in a tub of gasoline lighting matches. The best way around this? Case studies!

Use your current and past Clients as blogging material by detailing their specific needs and how it was you went about fulfilling them. This allows you to take your general methodology and illustrate how it can be implemented on a specific case by case basis.

This is also exceptionally valuable for long tale SEO as it helps attract Clients with similar specifics needs. Hopefully it goes without saying that names and sensitive information should be changed to protect the guilty.

And the last tip (a freebie since I only said three) is to learn a lesson from Nike and "Just Do It". Are all of your blogs going to be Pulitzer prize winning pieces of literary marvel?

 Probably not...but sit yourself down and force yourself to be consistent and committed and you'll find that you will begin to aggregate a catalogue of content that you can be proud of.

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About The Author

Kasim Aslam likes to call himself a digital ninja and is working under the banner of � an one stop IT shop for all digital marketing needs. Sol8 Provides all online marketing services. You can find more by Kasim on his Blog.

Top 10 Most Expensive Domains Names Of All Time!

Whenever we are surfing the Internet for anything, we are always in the search for new websites and new places that can match up to our tastes and thus prove to be our best companions in times when we are free and have no means to kill our boredom. There are like thousands and thousands of websites that you can find on the Internet and along with this which can easily match up to your needs and standards. Now just imagine folks! what life could have been if you didn't know the name of the website which had the most interesting stuff and to which you loved to stay.

Life would seriously had become a torture as without the name, or rather the domain name, you wouldn't even find that site. Well folks! my today's post includes in it some of the relevant issue, the domain names!

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What Is Domain Name??

Domain name is basically an identification that represents a certain authority or an administrative body on the Internet. And these domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the domain name system, or also commonly called the "dns". So, we can in a much simplified language say that domain name is a sort of identity of the content that is available on the Internet irrespective of its type, as it provides as easily recognizable and memorizable names to the numerically addressed Internet resources. And by a domain name you can easily reach to your desired website to handle your chores.


Now folks! there is a much interesting fact or rather I'll say a much interesting option in this domain name thing as well, and that is that you can earn money from this thing as well. By earning money i mean that if you have interesting and cool stuff at your website and with it you opt a really cool name to it too, your website will definitely be bought by some millionaire at a really good price. Interesting isn't it folks!


Top 10 Most Expensive Domain Names!

Here are some of the most expensive domain names i have ever gone through on the Internet

1) The Diamond.Com

This website is basically an online jewellery sale site through which you can easily buy jewellery online as it has a wide range and designs of jewellery. In around 2006 this domain name was bought at a neat price of almost 8 million dollars with an additional 2 million dollar from the jeweller buyers for their own inventory.

2) The Fund.Com

This website is basically an investment site which provides you with a number of ideas as well as opportunites on which you can utilize your investments. Apart from this. this site includes expert opinions that can guide you pretty well in which way to choose as far as your investment issues are concerned. In around 2008, this domain name was purchased by Clek Media for almost around 10 million dollar, and the best part of this deal was all the transaction in cash. At that time this multi million dollar sale was successful to bag a world record. interesting isn't it folks!

3) The Porn.Com

Well guys talking very openly and realistically, we all know for what Internet is used for the most. As the name tells you, yes it does contain such stuff. And guys the most interesting part of this domain name is that this domain name managed to get itself sold at a very neat price of almost around 10 million dollars by an investment company named as the mxn limited through all cash transaction back in 2007.

4) The Beer.Com

As the name of this website tells its full description, this website is basically a brewing website on which you can get access to all sorts of information regarding beer. This site also gives you the facility of getting you beer on your doorstep as it gives you the delivery facilities. Back in 2004, this domain name was bought by llc at a price of 7 million dollars.

5) The Sex.Com

This is yet again a website containing stuff and if we say that sex sells then the answer is yes as far as this website is concerned. Back in 2010 this domain name was bought by Clover Holdings Ltd at a clean price of 13 million dollars and managed to become a centre of attention as becoming a part of the world record book.

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6) The PrivateJet.Com

If you are pretty filthy rich and aren't spoiled yet, then this website will fulfill this purpose! As the name suggests, this website is basically a platform that provides you with the best luxuries available. Apart from this it can give you all sorts of information regarding jets and airplanes available in the international market of today along with their features. This domain name was sold this year at a record making price of 30 million dollars by llc. Here i must mention this fact that this domain name is by far the most expensive domain name to date.

7) The Business.Com

This website is basically an ebusiness site where you can easily get solution to every of your problem related to online income or online business. Along with this, this website has within it editorials and tutorials from expert business and corporate sector experts that can greatly help you with your issues regarding online and businesses and earning. This domain name managed to get itself sold at a clean price of almost around 7.5 million dollars.

8) The Israel.Com

This website is basically a guide website that can provide you with all sorts of information and guidance related to the country Israel and is an ideal website for tourists who wish to visit Israel. This domain name was bought by an unidentified buyer at a price of almost around 6 million dollars back in 2004.

9) The Insure.Com

As the name itself describes it, this website is basically a resource website that can provide you with all sorts of basic and necessary information regarding your insurance issues. With this it also contains within it some tutorials and editorials that are pretty useful and can be helpful in solving your problems related to insurance policies. This domain name was bought by the very famous online media group QuinStreet at a very good price of 16 million dollars in 2009.

10) The Slots.Com

This website is basically an online entertainment website where you can have fun and enjoy as they have a very wide range and variety of online games. With this you can play online games with a very vast community as this site can surely prove to be a very good source of entertainment. Back in 2010, this domain name was bought by the BoDog Brand at a price of 5.5 million dollars.


Well folks! these were some of the most expensive domain names to date. I hope after reading this and checking these domain names out, you all will think of doing work and designing domain names as well, as it is by far the most interesting shortcut to earn millions of dollars! In the end, positive comments are appreciated.

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Featureso Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Obvious Reasons To Use Single-Optins To Build Email List Fast

single optins vs double optinsChoosing between single and double op tins while building your email list can be one of the most tricky parts in your online email marketing campaign. There are huge difference between the top players in Internet marketing world regarding this very issue. Though as writing out this post, ill be sharing my little experience with email marketing that we recently started, and what we feel is the right way to approach this point of confusion.

Problems With Double Op tins?

Before proceeding to top reasons why we prefer single op tin instead of double, lets first discuss why we believe double op tins is not always the right approach to go with.

The Main Issue

Double op tin conversion style really hinders your potential to build up your email list fast. When people opt-in via your email subscription boxes, they are sent another confirmation link into their in boxes to confirm their subscription to your blog via email.

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The fact is, that not many people go ahead with that second step and thus your confirmation email remains unintended in their in boxes. So even if you're using a great squeeze page to funnel your visitors to those email subscription boxes, and you get a huge conversion rate, the bottle neck become the second level confirmation email thus hindering the subscription potential your blog has.

Single Level Op tin- The Solution

Well, before writing this very post, i went through various views of top bloggers and here is what i concluded. You can always add to the topic as to what you think when it comes to the single vs double op tins war.

Issues With Single Op tins

Well, there are always down sides to every thing. Many email marketers are of the view that using double op tins make sure that you email list is the pure gold and not a useless mixture of other metals.

They believe that subscribers go through double op tins, that makes sure that they are twice more interested in your content and thus such subscribers are convert far more better while promoting an affiliate offer or a product of your own.

So looking forward to that, below is what we believe regarding single opt in success over double.

Our Take: Single Op tin Finally Wins

 Using single opt in strategy is more like killing 2 birds with a single shot. Single opt in makes sure that you play both the shots at a time. The people who would be twice interested in your content would still be part of your email list via going through single op tin plus you would be able to catch those subscribers that other wise don't go through double opt in.
So thus your email would still be having the 'quality' factor while the size of the list wont be effected too. People now days really judge a blog/website with its subscribers numbers and thus this is where your email list size really matters. 

Your Product Launch Would Still Be a Success

 Your single op tin email list would give out the same results as of your other double opt in email list. Why? As the 'interested' people would still be the part of the list who would convert well to your call to actions.
So as per common sense and what we believe, single opt in email list building is a much more output oriented strategy that strikes your both corners. The size and the quality of the list.

Spam Complaints Not an Issue

Many people believe that going through double opt-ins makes sure that you have less spam complaints. This seems totally ill logical as most of the top email marketing tools allows the subscribe to opt out of the email list.
So in any case, the person is still able to opt out. An to be honest, there are tons of email list that we are part of, and not a single one seems to irritate us.
The reason being the authority of those sites. One would always opt in for your list if he/she wishes to engage with your content. So thats not an issue. Plus in worst case he wishes to pull out, there hands are never tied up.

What Do You Think?

Which method of the email list building you believe in. Or you haven't started out building a list for your blog yet? Let us know via comment section below.

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How Bloggers Can Make Money With Google Affiliate Ads?

Google as always is a truly innovative company that would keep on adding sugar to their products. With Google's highest earning source being their AdSense program, they are all set to introduce Google Affiliate Ads platform that is totally integrated with AdSense program. With Google Affiliate Ads program, you being a publisher can promote specific affiliate products and once a reader makes a sale via that link towards the product, you get paid via your AdSense account.

So your payments system would be the one that you're used to.

Google Affiliate Ads

How Does It Work?

While writing your post in Blogger post editor, you tend to add tags that would attract all the affilate products related to those tags in the form of a widget with in your blog post. You can then choose among those products that you want to promote.

Once the user clicks those ads (Once the post gets published) and makes a payment, you get an affilate percentage of the sale via your Google AdSense account.

Make money online

How To Get Started?

While in the post editor, navigate towards Monetize tab >> Google Affilate Ads.

Once you sign up for the program, you can then be able to add the affilate products widgets with in the post as shown in the picture below.

The Down Side : Unavailability

As for now, Google is only allowing Google Affilate Ads network for US and UK Bloggers users. So if you're living any where out side, i guess you need to develop your friendship with Clickbank directly as for now.

If you have used the program, do share you experiance with us via the comement section below. Would love to here. Till the next post, peace out!

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Featureso Monday, 24 September 2012
Top 20 Embeddable Music Players For Online Streaming

20 Embeddable Music Players After completing a hectic day out in the chaotic world of today, one needs a bit of relaxation when he comes home and rests. Now, for this purpose there is one thing that serves this purpose really well, and i guess everyone out there will agree to my point, and that is listening to music. Listening to music relaxes you and relieves like anything. After listening to the soft beat and melodic lyrics of soft music you find yourself relaxed and light, And thus it wont be wrong saying that listening to music makes your stress fly away!

Everyone has his/her own tastes in music. Some people love listening to soft music while others love to hear music with hard beats. There are a couple of well maintained websites that give you the access to all new and all types of music on line, and that's absolutely free folks!

Now, some of us might be maintaining these types of sites that provide you with the latest music, and with these, this music can be heard and enjoyed through on line streaming.

 But then there is a very common problem among the makers of these kinds of sites that how to make these sites as well as on line streaming players attractive so that people get attracted and while listening to music enjoy the player options as well, and with that make the music players more convenient so that users find them easy to use.

 Well Folks! here is the solution to your problems and all sorts of questions, the most attractive music players that can easily be embedded to your music website pretty easily.

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Top 20 Embeddable Music Players For Online Streaming!

So folks! here are top 20 embeddable music players for online streaming which can give your websites online streaming a new life and make your music websites the best and most interactive to use.

1) Dark Star Pro Music Player

This music player gives you a lot of features as far as its working is concerned. It gives you the option of easy shuffle and drag and drop on movies. Apart from this it has a wide range of colours and skin that one can change according to his taste. It also includes in it a help tutorial movie so that you can know how to get started with it.

2) Dynamic Music Player

This music player is again a multi dimensional music player that holds all the features in it as far as its working is considered. Within it, an unlimited number of genre's and an unlimited number of files in each section can be maintained. With this, through this player images from any external source can be uploaded. And yes, the best part of this player is its compatibility as it is easily compatible with all sorts of operating software's and browsers.

3) QuickyBoy Music Player

This is a xml driven music player that holds in itself a number of features. It holds within it all the basic features that are necessary for an ideal music player, which include the play pause button, next previous button etc. Apart from these you can easily maintain your online playlist within it.m It also includes a long range of fonts for your use.

4) Premium Music Player

This music player is also a xml driven music player and is the simplest of all the music players with the most simple and sleek style and design. But within are packed and jammed alot of features that i don't guess any music player can have in it. Apart from these it contains within it the equalizer that isn't an animation but a real one and it actually works on the waves and beats of music. Apart from these, it has all sorts of features that all normal music players have like shuffle, drag on and drop feature etc. It can also turn on and off the music play lists automatically and it also remembers the last memory.


5) Sleekpill Music Player

This music player is also a xml driven music player and holds a number of features. Its also contains within it an equalizer that isn't an animation but a real one. It also gives you the provision of adding and editing colours and skins. With this it gives you the fastest playback and streaming facility and contains all the features that
other music players have.

6) Decent Music Player

This is also a xml driven music player. It can be regarded as one of the most simple players as it has only a play, stop, forward and rewind button for the player. Apart from those it does contain as equalizer but it is a fake one folks but has an additional feature of reflections, that is i guess a pretty nice one.

7) Mini Progressive Music Player

This music player is a bit complex and i must say a bit of a use by professionals as it contains multiple complex features within it. But apart from this, it holds within it the best colour and skin selection one can have in his music player. Apart from this it has a compatibility with a number of software's which means it wont trouble you much. The rest of the features are the same as that of an ordinary music player.

8) Animated Sound Controller Music Player

This music player is yet again a very simple to use music player. As the best part in this music player is that it can easily animate stuff. It can easily animate the music you are listening to and is your music doesn't load then it will easily say the file is unable to load. So simple isn't it folks? And yes, it is by far the best tools to add music to your flash projects as you can do it easily with the help of it.

9) 2 Mode Music Player

This is yet again a xml driven music player and with it one of the multi feature music player with a couple of features. The coolest part of this music player is its aqua theme that is no far than being real and live. With this it includes all the other common features that all other music players have.

10) RV Compact Music Player

This is yet again a xml driven music player with all the necessary functions a music player should have. With this, the music player also gives you a wide range of options for the customization of sounds and skins. Above is the picture for this player.

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11) Switch Music Player

It is yet again a xml driven music player with a very simple format and easy to use features. By using it you surely will cut all sorts of extra fatigue as it is the most simple and unique music player. Through it you can easily add and maintain the music for your movies and and on line stuff.

12) Streaming Music Player.

This is a xml driven music player with a much simple and easy to use format as it contains no complex and difficult features. It contains within it all sorts of basic and necessary functions that should be present for a music player.

13) Fully Customizable Music Player

This is again a xml driven music player as it gives you the provision of customizing your player according to your need. This player like all others contains within it all the necessary features that an ideal player should have within it.

14) v1.0 Music Player

This is yet again a xml driven music player as it easily takes files from xml documents and is also considered as one of the favourite and easy to use streaming music player. It contains within it all the necessary features that a good music player has. Apart from this you can easily use it as it has no complex functions and you can easily stylize it according to your ideas.

15) Play Audio Button Music Player

This music player is yet again a xml driven music player and holds within it all the basic features that a music player should have within it. Apart from this it also gives you the additional features through which you can easily stylise your music player, and its not a big deal a pretty simple thing to do it is.

16) Background Music Button Music Player

This type of player is basically used for the maintenance for background music in any of your online content. It does require skills folks, not an easy one though.

17) We Love Music Player

This is also a xml driven music player that gives you multiple features to stylize you music player. It has its own dynamic colour tines and skins. You all would surely love to hear music on this player.

18) Flash Jukebox v3.0 Music Player

This is a separate type of player that gives you the possibility of maintaining more than one play lists on line at your music player. Along with this, it has all the necessary and basic features an ideal music player has in it.

19) MP3 Pro Music Player

This is again a music player that can be categorized in simple category as it doesn't involve any complex or skilled operations. This players has a multiple range of colours and skins that makes it more attractive and fun to use.

20) Streaming Version 2 Music Player

As of its first version. it has almost the same features, but an additional feature in it is that it comes with different colour combinations and with this you can add different colours to different songs you want to hear. The screen clearly indicates the colour of the sing that currently plays. With this it is simple and has almost all the possible features of an average music player.

Well folks! these were some of the best online streaming music players that surely can put a life in your streaming websites. Positive comments are appreciated folks!

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Featureso Sunday, 23 September 2012