High Paying Google AdSense Alternatives That Are Popular!

As i have mentioned this fact in a couple of my posts published previously, technology has greatly progressed. And this progress has surely affected almost every sector of the society in its own possible ways. Some got affected in the positive terms while others got a negative impact of this progress.

Due to this thing, some common names in the market got recognition while the ones having a good reputation and the ones which were considered the most big ones expanded more. But, the thing which should be noticed is that we all got a number of options that were really scarce before this advancement in technology. And now to perform a single task, we have a number of ways and sources.

Now further elaborating the topic and putting a spot light on the advertising community, on line in particular, this modernization has surely given a boost to this field as well. And the name when ever i think about this topic, is the google AdSense. By far this is the best and most efficient platform one can get to advertise and earn money through Internet!

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Have you ever thought what would happen if you cannot get access to google AdSense?? If they reject your ad or in any other scenario?? You surely will get to face a loss and will be stuck where you might have no way out. If you are stuck in such a scenario, then my today's post will provide you with some help as it includes some of the best alternatives to google AdSense in case you don't get the opportunity to earn from google AdSense.

Here i should mention this fact that these are in no particular order folks and are just the ones that are the best ones available.

Top Alternatives!


So folks these are some of the best and top alternatives to google AdSense available presently that can help you in earning a good deal of cash on line if you don't get the opportunity of working on google AdSense due to any reason, either on your side or on their side.

1) The Kontera


This is one of the best alternatives available with Alexa ranking of 7914. It has the most dynamic and easy to use features that surely add life to your ads. The minimum payment amount of this is $50 and payment methods are through check, PayPal, and wire transfer. The programme they offer is the cost per click. A really interesting and efficient alternative this is to earn from.

2) The Bidvertiser


A much user friendly alternative this is. This alternative has Alexa ranking of 1512. The minimum payment amount varies from paypal to check which is $10 from paypal and $50 through check. The programme they offer is the cost per click. This alternative surely pays you a good sum after google AdSense as you just need to display ads on your websites or blogs and through bidding you earn the maximum amount possible.

3) The Buysellads


This is by far the best alternative available with Alexa ranking of 1778. This is a complete network through which you can easily get a significant number of advertisers. This networks supports almost every single sort application and operating system. No doubt, because of its features and options it is being used by a number of professional blogger. The mode of payment is through check, paypal and  wire transfer with limits of $20 through PayPal, $50 through Check and $500 through wire transfer. The programmes they offer include cost per impression, fixed rate banner ads and sponsored tweets. A really interesting and benefiting alternative this is folks.

4) The Sponsored Reviews


This alternative gives you a number of features. A really good alternative with Alexa ranking of 2605. You can make money through this really easily by just reviewing advisers website. Not only this, this platform has no minimum amount limit. The mode of payments includes paypal and the programmes they offer are fixed rate sponsored reviews.

5) The Text Link Ads


Yet another reliable and efficient alternative with Alexa ranking of 4772. The most interesting part of this is that it is compatible with every format and helps you a lot as far as driving your website traffic is concerned. There is no minimum amount limit on paypal and payoneer but holds a $25 limit is using the cheque mode for payment. The programme they offer include fixed rate text link ads.

6) The Info Links


This alternative is considered as a leader in in text advertising with Alexa ranking of 791. The most encouraging and user friendly platform this is for young blogger, as you get almost a share of 70% on the click you get on the add. The mode of payment it uses is the paypal, echeck, payoneer, wire transfer and western with certain limits like $50 if through PayPal, check and payoneer, while $100 through wire transfer and western union. The programme they offer is cost per click.

7) The Gum Gum


This alternative is regarded as one of the best one available around regarding in-image advertising with Alexa ranking of 51,164. The minimum payment amount present is $50 and the mode of payment include pay pal and through check. Some of the biggest names including Disney, samsung etc are the advertisers at this platform. The programme they  offer include cost per impression. A pretty helpful and reliable alternative this is folks.

So guys these were some of the best alternatives to google AdSense that you can use. Do give us tour positive feedback.

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