Effective Ways to Prevent Copyright Infringement

There are a lot of good blogs on the Internet. If you run a blog yourself, some of the content on these blogs will fit right in with your subject matter. One of the biggest challenges that bloggers face � whether they're doing it for business or pleasure � is how to handle content that may be copyrighted. Guest bloggers and some other techniques can help you to stay on the right side of copyright law.

 Prevent Copyright Infringement

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Guest Bloggers

Guest bloggers are people that you invite to your blog to contribute an article. They may contribute something related to the overarching theme of your site or they may contribute something that provides a nice diversion from what you normally publish.

If you run into a blog that you really like and that fits very well with the theme of your own blog, it's a great reason to ask the blog owner to contribute a guest article.

One of the most significant reasons that this is such a good idea is because it allows you to get what you really like about the other person's blog on your own blog without plagiarizing any of their work.

For example, if you ran a blog about customizing motorcycles and you ran into somebody else's blog where the writer gave excellent tips that you wanted to include on your own blog, you could ask them to contribute an article and offer the same advice for your readers.

This does a good job of serving your readers, which is important, and it allows you to get new and interesting content on your blog.

In this type of arrangement, nobody gets their content ripped off, nobody gets in trouble for violating anybody's copyright and both parties get a bit of exposure, making it one of the most win/win arrangements possible.

Giving Credit

The safest way to include content on your site that you feel adds something to your user's experience is simply to link to it. If you're very worried that the content you want is owned by an entity that would be more than happy to sue you for copyright infringement, just put up an outbound link to it. That way, you're not reproducing it on your blog and you're not in danger of violating their copyright.

Giving Credit

If you do use somebody else's material, giving them credit is the best way to make sure you're not plagiarizing. For instance, if you give a piece of information that came from a book and, therefore, that was a direct product of the author of that book's research, reference the book.

Put a link up to the book. If you want to be very clever about it, put an affiliate link up to the book and, if someone buys it, you'll get a cut. Keeping in line with copyright law and respecting the ownership rights of other bloggers and artists can actually be profitable.

WordPress Advantages

WordPress is so popular that most any embedding code or other sharing technology is compatible with it. If you want to make certain you're not plagiarizing any video or audio, check to see if it has embed code. Premium wordpress themes generally make it easy to include this type of content in a post.

Use guest bloggers and other offered materials whenever possible. One of the best ways to handle video and audio material is simply to write the site on which it appears and ask them if it's okay for you to use it.

Most of the time, what really gets people into trouble with content on the Internet is when they assume that they have the right to use it and they do not. Always ask the author or owner of content or read the terms of service before you use anything on your own site.

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