Top 10 Companies That People Die To Work In!

After undergoing all the experiences and passing all the milestones of our educational era, we all step into the professional world. Where we implement all the things, the theories we studied into practical things. Surely this is the way world goes on and as we all are a part of it, we all have to move the same way. But have you ever thought that is it the way things should actually be??

Surely earning is the most important and basic part of ones life. But education isn't taken only for completing degree and then finding a job to start earning. The purpose is surely far beyond this aspect. Education is taken to have knowledge and to get skill in the field you have interest in and in which you wish to excel.

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But at the same time, the earning fact cannot be ignored folks. You need money to survive in this world and society. And it is almost every ones wish to get employed in some of the best and biggest companies after the completion of education. But one doesn't know about the biggest companies at most of the times. Making this thing pretty easy, my today's post includes some of the biggest companies where surely every individual would wish to work in.

Top Companies!

top tech companies

So folks here is a list of the largest companies, working where is the dream and wish of every single individual.

1) The Google


As you all might be aware of this big big name on the Internet and the market of today. Google is basically the worlds largest search engine from where you can get information of anything. Not only this it also provides you with earning source by the name of google AdSense where you earn by posting ads. Surely working here is every web master's dream folks.

2) The Apple


A pretty big name in the field of technology. Apple is one of the best companies that produces gadgets like mobiles, laptops tablets etc. This company surely brought in a revolution in the world of technology, specifically the touch sensing technology.

3) The Microsoft


Almost everyone is pretty much familiar with this name. Every computer in this world has a life just because of Microsoft's windows, as without Microsoft windows every operating system is useless good for nothing, just a dead system.

4) The Facebook



This the worlds largest social networking website which not only gives you the platform to interact
with people all around the world but can now also help in advertising and promotion of your stuff which can ultimately give a boost to your pocket.

5) The Unilever

Yet again a really big name that produces all sorts of nutrition and personal care products that are supplied and available around the wold. So far it is the only company that has production at such a massive scale.

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6) The General Electric

At number 6 we have the general electric, which is considered as a pioneer in the field of electricity related to railway engine production and other electronic related devices. They produce some of the finest railway engines and electronic devices and supply the all around the world. Surely the centre of extreme engineering this is, particularly in the electric field.

7) The Pepsi co

One of the most popular and biggest names in the field of eatable production. This company produces the largest number of eatable and beverage items and supply them to every part of the world. It wont be wrong saying that they have the largest production units of beverages and eatable items like crisps etc.

8) The Proctor and Gamble

These are one of the largest producers and manufacturers of daily use and personal care products. And the products are available in every single part of the world pretty easily which means that have the biggest supply network. Surely a really big name in the field of personal care and daily to use products this is.

9) The McKinsey & Co.


This is a multi dimensional company that offers services in every possible field. The areas they cover includes every field of petroleum, engineering and aerospace research and much more. Surely ever individual who graduates out from a university would dream of working in such a company.

10) The Coca-Cola Company

coca cola

A pretty big and renowned name which almost every individual knows. This company is one of the worlds largest producer of soft drinks and eatable items and they have the largest supply all around the world. Surely you can easily get coca-cola products from any where around the world.

So folks these were the top biggest companies of the world where I'm sure every individual dreams and wishes to work. Do update us with your positive feedback folks.

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Featureso Wednesday, 31 October 2012
AppAdvice (Italics) Ocean Blue Navigation Menu Blogger/WordPress

With popular demand of our fellow readers, i would take this opportunity to introduce the newest 'Appadvice' navigation menu for Blogger and WordPress blogs. Though the navigation widget can be used on any blog/website as its standalone and the code is pretty easy to be implemented.

A well ground navigation menu can act more like a back bone to any blog/website navigation system. Visitor landing on the blog looks for content here and there, and navigation menus are one of the great ways to highlight your content.

Below are features that makes this AppAdvice style one of its kind.

AppAdvice (Italics) Ocean Blue Navigation Menu Blogger/WordPress


Featureso Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Top 10 Websites to Download Free eBooks Online!

Though Internet has brought in some of the most significant changes in the world today, and has surely brought in a revolution in the world, in almost every field and every sector. This revolution has surely benefited us a lot in every single possible thing, but at the same time has made us suffer some losses as well.

Internet, is also a part of this revolution. We all surely get benefited in a lot of ways by it but surely it does has replaced some of the things that were once considered really important. One such thing includes the book reading habit, which is for sure is the most important thing in ones life in every possible way. Internet has given much alternatives to book reading which has made youth and every individual away from books.

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Book reading is the most appropriate and the best source of getting knowledge. As book is considered as best friend of a human. But Internet has replaced this and now if you observe, the young youth of today has almost no knowledge, just because of quitting the habit of book reading. Not all but some individuals are still out there practising this healthy habit. My today's includes interesting material for such book lovers, the best websites where you can find and download ebooks from, absolutely free!

Top Websites!


Here are some of the best websites for our book lovers from which they can benefit and download ebooks of their taste and type free of cost.

1) Free Tech Books. Com


This is the best source as far as obtaining help material regarding computer science, engineering and programming fields are concerned.Not only the books, it also provides you with notes and lectures that can help you more. On this website you can get the material that is legal and freely available on the Internet.

2) Memo Ware. Com


This website has the best classifications and the most extensive content o every field and topic. With books it also provides you with maps, technical supports, lectures and other helping material that can help you. The best part about this website is that it has the most easily compatible formats for the material present so that they can easily be downloaded on your gadgets like tablets, palm tops etc.

3) Globusz. Com

This is yet another really good and extensive site where you can get ebooks pretty easily on every possible topic you want to read for. Not only this, they have a star rating formula that makes your work more easy and helps in the promotion of young authors who wish to establish themselves as authors in the on line community.

4) eBook Lobby. Com


This website has the best division and categories of the ebooks present and cover fields and topics on business, art , computing etc. Your work is surely made much easy at this website as you get access to your desired books pretty easily by their classification and categories, with some of the best material on topics of your interest.

5) Free Book Spot. Es

This website has the largest collection of ebooks on every single topic related to the fields of engineering, medical, sciences, fiction etc and is being used and operated in a number of countries. With this, it is the most easy to use website from which you can easily get your desired content. Can benefit you a lot folks do check this out.

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6) Know Free. Net


This is more than just an ebook library as it provides you with a platform where you can interact with people of your interest and share with them content material like lectures, help books, video training etc for the sake of self training and education. Pretty interesting website this is folks.

7) Book Yards. Com


This is yet again the sort of website that gives you more options then just an ebook library. This website provides you with the platform where you can share your content with other people too, helping them also. The best part about this website is that everyone who has an Internet connection can simply visit this site and get benefited from it. Not really a complex type of website this is.

8) Scribd. Com


A multi option website this is which is more than just an ebook library. This website gives you the provision of sharing content with others and is compatible with a number of formats like power point, excel, word, pdf etc. Not only this, through this you can download and embed a document is your blog and web page. A much helpful web site this is to get benefit from.

9) 4e Books. Org


If you have interest in books related to computer science and computer technology, then this is the best website as it serves the purpose really well. On this you have the most extensive library of ebook, easily download able and be put into use. So, for computer programming ebooks, this is the best website.

10) Baen. Com


This website is the best one for those who have a taste of reading science fiction novels as it has within the most extensive library of ebooks related to the topics of science fiction. You can easily download ebooks related to the topics of science fiction according to your desire and taste.

So guys these were some of the best and top websites from which you can download ebooks really easily and get benefit according to your taste of book reading. Do check these websites out and update us with your positive feedback.

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Top 15 Sites To Download Free HD Icons Online!

As you all, being an active part of the society and the modern world of today, might have observed and experienced that working today isn't an easy job now. As now market demands far more things than just your skills and perfection, which once used to be the basic and primary area of interest for people who want your services and pay you in return.

Now with your skill and perfection, what really does matter is the over all presentation of the job assigned to you. How much attractive you make it. As without keeping this fact under consideration, one's job is incomplete and not even near to complete, if i talk about the present trend of today.

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If i take the Internet community, blogger and web masters in particular, the most basic thing which comes in the category of presentation is the layout of web site and the blogs. And icons are the most important and basic elements in presentation. You have to make your web content catchy and attractive, you surely need to have some good icons on it. My today's post includes some of the best websites from which you can easily download icons in HD free!

Top Websites!

Here are some of the websites from which you can easily download icons free of cost in the best possible high definition, giving a new life to your web sites and your blogs.

1) Go Squared.Com


2) Icon Factory. Com


3) Ico Joy. Com



4) Dry Icons. Com


5) Best Free Icons. Com


6) Icon Spedia. Com


7) Noupe. Com


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8) Vista Icons. Com


9) Icon Stick. Com


10) Icon Shock. Com


11) Icon Drawer. Com


12) Deviant Art. Com


13) Nerd Business. Com


14) Tutorial 9. Net


15) Icon Archive. Com


So guys these were some of the top and best websites from which you can get free icons in high definition for your on line content that includes blogs and websites making it more lively and attractive, attracting a significant number of readers and followers. Do update us with your positive feedback folks.

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Featureso Monday, 29 October 2012
Top 10 Online Photo Editors Of 2015!

Every individual who comes into this world is good at something, or to be more precise is gifted by God some ability which he is master at and on which he has a strong grip as compared to other abilities he holds within himself. And i guess everyone of you out there agree to this fact.

top photo editors

You all have might experienced this, or rather would be experiencing this thing, that one can do the job or the task pretty better in which his interest lies as compared to those which don't have ones area of interest. This is because one performs that act or completes that job with much greater interest and feels that job an enjoyable task to fulfill.

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All of you know the importance of perfection and how everything in this modern world of today should be extremely perfect. Now if i talk about the blogging community in particular, surely making them perfect in every sense is a really important job.

 Not only the content but its presentation matters a lot and both these things are the basic key that unlocks the door to success!

When we talk about the over all presentation of blogs, the thing that comes first and is considered as the most important is the visuals or the pictures in simple terms.

The more innovative and tempting pictures you add to your blog the greater its presentation is improved and more life is given to your blog.

Now, there a number of ways that can be used to make pictures according to your wish and desire. The best one which comes in every ones mind when pictures are concerned is the photo shop. The best software in world to manage your pictures.

 But what if you don't have photo shop?? Pictures cant be omitted as without them blog will be for sure a lifeless one. My today's posts can serve this problem a remedy, including in it the best on line photo editors!

Top Photo Editors!

 So, here are some of the best and top on line photo editors through which you can give a new life to your blogs by adding them in them, some of the best pictures enhancing their presentation.

1) Phixr.Com


2) Pixer.Us


3) Foto Flexer.Com


4) Pixlr.Com


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5) Splash Up.Com


6) Dr Pic.Com

dr pic image editor

7) Picture 2 Life.Com

Picture 2 Life.Com

8) Pizap.Com

pizap photoeditor

9) Luna Pic.Com

10) Pixenate.Com


11) Canva (Bonus)

canva image editor

So folks these were some of the best and the most efficient on line picture editors that can be used as an alternative to photo shop. Through this you can make your blogs the best and add in them new life, making them the most attractive and making them able to attract a significant number of followers. Do use them and update us with your positive feedback.

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Featureso Sunday, 28 October 2012