Google Analytics: Monitor Your 'Visitors Flow' To Increase Traffic

Monitor Your 'Visitors Flow'Monitoring visitors flow is truly a premium feature with in Google Analytics that can be used to really bump our blogging game. There are times when we are forced to imagine the flow of our visitors. We keep on hoping that our visitors would pay attention to what we really want them to. But unfortunately its not always the case all the time. In a perfect scenario, the customizations that we make to our blog needs to be on the basis of the study that we would carry on our visitors flow.

As a part of our Google Analytics series, we have here this bonus post that was not preplanned. The visitors flow tool in Analytics shows up the linked chart. Again we could interchange between different metrics to study where our visitors go on as they pop into the blog.

To navigate to Google Analytics Visitors flow tab, you need to go to Standard Reporting >> Audience >> Traffic Flow.

Below is what we'll highlight in this post:

  • Sorting out traffic flows of specific countries
  • Sorting out traffic from specific pages
  • Clicks Flow On Homepage
  • Filtering Traffic Based on different search metrics.

Monitor Your 'Visitors Flow'

Sorting Out Traffic Flows Of Specific Countries

The entire map start out with the incoming traffic from various countries that you get traffic from. The landing pages are the very next level called 'Starting Pages'. Then the later levels are called 'Interactions' (First interactions, second interaction and so on).

You could view the flow of traffic all around your blog from specific countries only too.  Simply click on the country box and click 'Highlight traffic through here'. The sorted out flow would look something like in the picture below.

Traffic Flows Of Specific Countries

Traffic Flows Of Specific Countries

Sorting Out Traffic From Specific pages

Then you could sort out traffic from certain pages. This comes in handy to test the interlinking. You could notice if people really click on the interlinked articles. Simply click on the box for a certain page and 'Highlight traffic through here'.

Traffic via home page would look like as in the picture below.

Traffic From Specific pages

Clicks Flow On Homepage

Its often fancy and out of our imagination to know where our visitors really click on our homepage. There are many great heat sensor style tools that show up the click distribution on site/blogs, but most of them are paid services. Though with the help of the 'Details' feature in Google Analytics, its pretty much possible.

You could click the homepage box >> Group Details. That would show up all the posts and pages that the visitors tend to move on with from Homepage. The most viewed pages and posts can be further made better with visuals, content etc.

Filtering Traffic Based On Different Search Metrics

Then we could monitor different traffic metrics and their relation with the visitors flow. Notice the traffic flow pattern for search metrics "Languages". English being international language tend to get most attention in the picture below.

Clicks Flow On Homepage

How To Use These Metrics And Flow Visitors Flow Data

Now that you know your visitors behavior with your content, its now time to modify and equip it according to the need. Say there are certain posts that get hit by more french people on your blog. So you could edit out those posts and put in some french flavor to them. That would engage those french audience even more.

Hope this post would help you guys out. Stay blessed smile

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