Google Analytics: How To Track Your Audience Comprehensively!

Track Your Audience Comprehensively
We cant really stress more upon the value of our audience and our relationship with them in any field that may be. A successful and satisfying bond can only be brought up when a blogger tracks their audience well. Posting out content that your audience don't even like to skim is undoubtedly a waste of time and effort of yours. So the idea is for sure, thinking of a way, a comprehensive one where by we bloggers could get to know our blog audience thoroughly.

Their age range, their interests, their most liked posts, demographics and much more. So as the topic suggests, we would today post a spotlight over the Audience features in Google Analytics. You can also take a look at the previous articles in this series from the menu below.

Goal of this post?

Its always a good feeling to know what we will be achievement by the end of the post. There are in total of 5 different demographics metrics that we will cover today. All these metrics would let you know about your audience even more.

Though there is even more interesting approach to understand our visitors content engagement, but that would be covered in our next post. Its the 'visitors content flow patterns' that could comprehensively let you understand what sort of tweaks you need to make with in your blog to utilize your hard earned traffic that you have.

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#1 Demographics: Language

Knowing your audience language cant be beaten in terms of the importance it holds for building a successful blog. Obviously you cant succeed when you post out content in a language that your readers cant get their hands on. Its surely a waste of time and efforts.

Analytics deals with this metric in a great way. You could mix up different metrics like Page views/visit with audience languages, likewise average visit duration with audience language too. There are so many different metrics that you can play with and get to know more and more about your blog readership.

Demographics: Language

To reach out to the audience tab in Analytics, you got to navigate through:

Standard Reporting >> Audience >> Demographics >> Language. 

Once you're in the tab, you can bring up these bar charts by hitting the small button on the right as shown below.

Demographics: Language

You can interchange between various metrics as mentioned before by clicking upon the metrics button as shown below. Studying these all metrics individually would let you know about the behavior of your readers with your content. There can be a case where your English readers might be more in terms of visits, but esponol readers might lead the list with average visit duration.

Demographics: Language

So once you know the priority list, you can setup goals accordingly. Say in case average visit duration is of more value to your blog/website, then you could concentrate upon those very specific audience more.

#2 Demographics: Location

Like wise, location of your readers is as important as their language too. In fact its more of a same metric but with a little different dimension. Say you tend to get more traffic from United states and India, that you would concentrate to make more content for these specific countries.

Navigation to Standard Reporting >> Audience >> Demographics >> Location.

Demographics: Location

#3 Behavior: New vs Returning

New vs returning visitors metrics is one of the most important ones when an advertiser considers to advertise upon a certain blog. The more the new visitors, there are more chances of the ads being clicked as each new visitors jumps in with a fresh mind who hasn't been exposed to the ads before.

Returning visitors/fans often get used to the ads and they hardly click upon them thus providing less value to the advertisers.

Navigate to Standard Reporting >> Audience >> Behavior >> New vs Returning

 New vs Returning

#4 Behavior: Frequency & Recency

Frequency and recency showcases your overall blog's growth. As your blog growth up its 'loyal' audience, more and more returning visitors get on the way to explore your daily content that you would post.

I personally really love this metric as its shows up the untapped potential of our blog. In case there is a huge percentage of visitors that leave out your blog after reading a single post, then that really means that we need to tap them via more intelligent call to actions.

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In case you're confused here, lets put out an example here. Say 90+ % people leave out your blog after reading out a single post. (Such traffic is usually comes in through search engine as visitors have a mind set and a goal to achieve. So its hard to tap them and to make them diverted.)

Though the best we could do is to convert them into a follower. That could later help us in growing our blog overall.

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Navigate to Standard Reporting >> Audience >> Behavior >> Frequency & Recency.

 New vs Returning

#5 Behavior: Engagement

Actually the same goes for engagement tab. Just a different presentation of the like metrics.

Navigate to Standard Reporting >> Audience >> Behavior >>Engagement.
Behavior: Engagement

#6 Technology: Browser & OS

Now here is one of the most important metric to take care of. In online world, brower compatibility. Running a blog now days packed with latest visual styles (CSS3 + Jquery etc) can have serious issues with out dated browsers in the industry.

Though its more likely that most of the web traffic gets online via Chrome and Firefox, though  its always a wise approach to code in for outdated browsers to in case you get some decent traffic through them too.

Navigate to Standard Reporting >> Audience >> Behavior >>Engagement.
Technology: Browser & OS

Then there is another metrics in the same category that highlights the Internet service provides of your visitors. Though we wont really touch that metric as that isn't really useful  directly to  our blogs growth. That can be helpful in specific cases though.

Hope this post will prove to be useful in getting to know your audience even better. Do lookout for tomorrow post upon visitors traffic flow. Its a great feeling to have such comprehensive tools on our disposal for free!. Google rockssmile

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