Aweber Tutorial #6 How To Create Email Broadcast

Creating email broadcasts in Aweber is extremely simply. Email broadcasts are email blasts that are sent on specific time/event to the followers to notify them of something important.

In our last post in the Aweber series, we saw how we can create email follow ups that help build a strong bond with the subscribers. This time around. email broadcasts can be send on any particular occasion.

For example, I sent an email broadcasts to my email followers letting them know of my presence on Kay2 TV Channel recently. Lets get right into the simple steps that we can take to send email broadcasts in Aweber.

How To Send Email Broadcasts in Aweber?

Once you're in Aweber Dashboard, navigate to Messages >> Broadcasts >> Create a Broadcast.

create email broadcast in aweber

messages broadcasts aweber

One time broadcast also works just like email follow ups where you'll have an option to write the email in plain text or use an advance template.

You can also use personalization codes such as 'First Name' / 'Last Name' , 'Sign Up date' etc to have more personal touch to your email.

email broadcast editor aweber

How To Effectively Use Short Codes?

What I do is, and I got this idea from Pat Flynn of, that we can add some signup information of the user in the footer of the email and let them know where and why they are signed up for and why they are getting this specific email in first place.

When in the footer you would mention, you're getting this email because you  signed up to BloggingeHow and then mention his personal data like:

Your Name: {!name_fix}
Your Email: {!email}
Sign Up URL: {!add_url}
Sign Up Date: {!signdate long}

This way, the subscriber would get reminded as to where and when he signed up for your newsletter.

Once you hit 'Next', you'll be taken to more sharing options where you can connect your social profiles like Facebook/Twitter. This would also publish your broadcast on web too. Aweber would host a copy of your email on a web page and share it's link on your social profiles too. So that more of your followers could get to see it.

Though in our case, as we only wish to send the broadcast to the email subscribers, we would not like to connect it at this point. Though you can always do that if you would like.

email broadcast sharing options

Once you hit 'Next', it would take you to the publishing options where you  can set the email lists you wish to send this broadcast to, and set any scheduling if you wish i.e to make the broadcast publish in any time in the future.

publish emails aweber

Once you have selected the lists you wish to send, simply hit 'save' in the bottom. At this point after hitting 'save', it would NOT start sending the broadcast. There is one more step to manually send them.

Now when you'll click 'Send Now' as shown in the image above, Aweber would start sending your email broadcast to the list you've selected in the previous step.

So that's pretty much it. I hope it was easy to follow.

You can now read:

Till next time, take care.

Allah Hafiz :)

Featureso Sunday, 17 May 2015
Aweber Tutorial #5 Creating Email Autoresponder Follow Ups

follow ups aweber

In our last post in this on going Aweber series, we discussed how we can manage our email subscribers. Today, we'll be creating email follow ups messages that would be sent to the subscriber with a set interval between them. Such email follow ups play a key role in building a solid relationship with your subscribers.

Your readers subscribed you as they were thirsty for more information from your end and you as a blogger need to do your best to provide them with valuable information over the period of time.

I personally have about 15 email follow ups messages that are sent to the subscribers with a week interval. With every new email follow up, I share my experiences, what I learned over the time, and some useful tips that I feel would be valuable for my email subscribers.

The same way, you can setup a series of email follow ups using Aweber. The frequency totally depends upon you and your niche. Some bloggers don't send email follow ups at all. I notice them sending blog broadcasts to the subscribers weekly or bi-weekly.

Though we'll discus blog broadcasts in our future post in this Aweber series, just to give a brief idea, these bloggers aim to drive traffic to their blog using their email list by sharing their latest blog posts with their subscribers.

While there is nothing wrong with this strategy, I personally don't like to do this now. I tried it early on but realized that I wanted my email subscribers to feel more premium. I wanted to share exclusive information with them that I don't publish on my blog. They could always visit the blog and look for latest blog posts if they would be interested.

We don't need to push our blog posts to their faces. They subscribed us for valuable insights and information that we must provide them in concise easy to digest manner. Which I am aiming to do at the moment.

As I mentioned, I currently have about 15 follow ups messages which I am to increase up 40-50 messages so that they cover the entire first year.

Sending valuable information to the subscribers on consistent basis would convert them into your loyal followers and what not. That's what we need at the end of the day.

So without further due, lets get right into the steps that would help us make an auto responder email follow up series in Aweber.

How To Create Email Follow Ups in Aweber?

Navigate to Aweber Dashboard >> Messages >> Follow Ups.

email follow up aweber

Next, it would take you to follow ups page where you can manage, create and set the order of the follow ups that you have.

The One Very Important Follow Up

There can be tons of follow ups you can create, though it's vital to have an introductory email follow up that would introduce you and your blog to the subscriber in detail. This is like building the first impression and it must be that good as we aim it to be in real life.

In my introductory email, I speak my heart out as to how I started blogging, my passion behind it and what I aim to do in the future. Also, I share my plans of what the subscriber can expect in their future emails so that they should be looking forward to them once they see it in their inbox.

Make a strong connection with the subscribers in your first follow up.

Open Rates

With every follow up, you'll notice an 'open rate'. These open rates largely depend upon if you're using double optins (that we discussed in our previous post in the series). The better and to the point your subject lines would be, the more open rates you'll be getting.

Steps To Follow

There are two ways to proceed. You can either choose to send a plain text email to the subscriber or use a pre-defined templates that you often see companies using.

I'm personally a fan of plain text as it feels more genuine and opens up easily. Templates can be good too if you're looking forward to branding, like adding a logo or footer to your emails.

It's all about your personal preference.

For the demonstration purposes, I'll go with plain text.

Navigate to Create a Follow Up >> Plain Text Message as shown in the image below.

plain text message follow up aweber

This would bring up the plain text editor. You can use 'personalization' options to do something similar as shown in the image below.

plain text aweber
Notice how I use 'First name' shortcode using the personalisation options

personalization aweber

Once you're done writing the follow up, you  can test it before making it final by clicking the 'test' button on the top right. You can provide your email to receive the test email.

send test aweber follow up

That's pretty much it. Hope this tutorial gave you an insight about the importance of building a strong relationship with your email subscribers using follow ups. Aweber really eases up this process.

Till, next time, take care.

Allah Hafiz :)

You can now read:

Featureso Saturday, 16 May 2015
13 Best Contact Us Pages On Internet Of 2015 - Updated

As i mentioned in my previous post where i shared 8 Best About Us Pages Online, that the first page that i aim to visit on any nice looking blog is the about page. 

Once i get impressed with the way author has presented him self and what he does online, i jump on to the contact us page. Not to really contact the guy, but just to have a feel of it. That helps me improve my strategies.
best contact us pages

Its always good to learn from others. I have also seen many top bloggers using the About Us page as their contact us page too. How? After presenting their impressive story they give out a contact form at the end. Even some bloggers make out a new link (on that About Us page) and name it as a Contact page. The actual page is About Us. So there are many strategies that you can work on with.

Lets see how these big guys have made out their Contact Us pages and hope fully it would give us some inspiration to work on our ours.

What Makes a Great Contact Us page?

Well again there is no set rule as in the About us page case. All you want is to get your point across. The main point would be the contact details but the way you would present the information is worth checking.
  • Make sure your contact form works! Whats the purpose otherwise?
  • Beautiful looks can capture the heart? Think of it as your last chance to convince the reader to contact you.
  • Tell him how responsive you are. How fast can you get back to him.
  • Make the reader feel easy to send you out an email.
All these factors in fact make out a great Contact Us page.

Best Contact Us Pages On Internet

1-Alex Arts

Great one i must say! Alex is graphic designer and takes on work orders through his portfolio site. The amazing contact us form (not really a page) is no less than to give him a work order each time a visitor visits him out. The contact us form is light box style pop up form.

The way he presents his questions (if : this or this) you want to contact me. Nice approach.

Alex Arts


We mentioned SEOmoz in the 'top about us pages' list earlier in the post and here they are again. Not extraordinary in terms of the design factor but the information and contact details are straight and to the point. They start of with this little paragraph saying:

Whether you have a question about your PRO account, need assistance using a tool, or you're in town and want to check out the office, we want to know what's on your mind. Our community is important to us!

A sentence or two like this really makes the visitor comfortable and pushes him towards contacting the guy. The major impact creation was done on the About us page, so here they just need to put in the contact details right away. To give out a personnel touch, they move on with adding the location on Google maps where people could find them. 

moz contact us page


Ted has again a simple but straight forward Contact Us page. What i really like about their approach is that they ask the visitor that why really they came to the page and wanted to contact them. Like starting off,
  • I want to suggest a speaker
  • Bring TED to my community
  • I want to attend TED or a TEDx
A clean email form then gives the opportunity to contact them with any of the query mentioned above. A twitter feed is also going on in the sidebar where readers can contact them too.



Indeed one of the great looking Contact Us pages around. The design pretty much sets it all. A simple clean looking form is placed right after the location map. Attractive Contact us page.


5-Bert Timmermans

Another example of great looking Contact Us page. Its kind of a contact book style look where one page gives out the address, phone and other contact details where the next page gives out an email form. Nicely done. It doesn't really matter if there is no text to attract the reader as that's already been done on the About Us page. Simply make the Contact Us page look cool and the job is done.

Bert Timmermans


The Copyblogger is again back in the top Contact Us page list. They tell you about their major parts (partners) and then proceed on with the contact form.



 Michael Dunlop has done a great hard work with his blog over the years. He uses a different approach where he marks out a link on his About page for the contact page.


8-Mother Earth Brewing

 Starting off with a nice sentence:

We can't just brew all day. We need human connection.

 The contact form is simple and clean with a contact form easily accessible.

Mother Earth Brewing

9-Fred Maya

Stunning lightbox style contact form. By clicking out the 'Get in Touch' button, the light box appears. Lightbox style contact forms are really in.

We had a tutorial on Lightbox style Contact form that you may want to try.

Fred Maya


 Clear to the point, amazing! Every contact detail is right there, so clearly mentioned.



So simple! Though the contact page could have been better with some text on it but the design covers that all. The designer goes on with providing the email address plus other social media links in the sidebar.



Nicely done. The simple design with easily approachable contact form is all what the reader needs from the Contact Us page.



Wow! Have you seen a better contact us page design then this one. The 3D layout makes its mark into this top Contact Us page list. Well done peeps.


Hope you liked the Top Contact us page list. If you haven't checked out the Top About us pages, then you are late. :)


Point out your favorite contact us page. Don't just consider the looks but the purpose they are serving.


Featureso Thursday, 14 May 2015
WIX: Free Comprehensive eCommerce Store & Website Builder Tool For Newbies

When it comes to searching for some quality ecommerce website builders online, you'll have a hard time finding the right one that could help you build your ecommerce websites or blogs with zero programing knowledge or experience. Even though there are tons of eCommerce website builders online when you'll get to search, it's hard to get satisfied with any. offers free website building services, and WixStores is the eCommerce website builder of does it all for us. This tutorial goes about just everything you need to know about the Wix eCommerce online store and website builder in detail. So sit back and grab your popcorn.
Today, I present to you a great eCommerce website builder for your store, that you can use for free to create your stunning looking stores or website designs and get started with your online business as fast as possible.

To give a brief back ground of the amazing tool, it�s not new in the market. Wix got started back in 2006 and launched its open beta phase a year later than that. I personally found out Wix about 1-2 years back while searching for some fast website builders. And it amazed me to the fullest.
Since then, has come a far way, and it almost seems to be 100% more functional than what I remembered it to be back then. currently powers about 1 million premium users. (I'll talk about premium accounts later down in the post.)

Now, you might be wondering, why would I need any way, right? If that's the case, I'll start with jotting down some key features of the Wix platform and website builder that would make you jump signup the platform right away.

BUT, before we proceed, I would like to say that it's not designed for everybody out there.

Is for you?

If you believe you're a power user and you'd want your future website to be super functional with tons of third party plugins support and heavy scripts involved, I won't recommend at this point though. is super perfect for people who are willing to get started with professional websites and can't hire a web designer and aim to create their own websites fast and quick, then is a perfect match for you and you're reading the very right post out there I must say.

Okay, so let�s get started with what Wix has to offer! Traits and Features - It's amazing that they're free!

Generally when you get to know such great tools online, you'll somehow find they are paid at the end. It's quite irritating when you have come a long way after sign up process. The good news is that:

1- has super fast Sign Up process which hardly takes 10 seconds. You just have to enter your email address and password and you're DONE! :)

2- All the website building features are free, which is amazing. I'll talk about where you have to pay and what benefit that could bring you.

Feature #1 Get Your Website Live Today!

wix templates bloggingehow

1- 100s of designer made templates: There are tons of fully-customizable stunning templates for you to download that are in line with the latest design trends and features. They offers 100s of templates in over 70 template categories. No matter what type of website you need - business, personal, online store, portfolio page - they�ve got it covered for you.

2- Top, Reliable Web hosting: provides you with free web-hosting where your websites's data would reside. Just like how Blogger platform, from Google provides with free web hosting, which what I use at BloggingeHow, offers the same thing too. Which is great!

I love free web hosting :P

3- Intuitive Website Builder: There free drag n� drop site builder lets you easily customize your site. You can change anything, like images, text & layout - the more creative you're, the more beauty you can generate. What I love is that their website builder offers the same experience as in many of those 'WYSIWYG' dashboards, which means 'what you see is what you get'.

Intuitive Website Builder

You get to see the changes as you make them, rather than saving the change that you made and then previewing the current state of your website in another window. That sucks and takes quite of time in many poor website builders out there.
Wix handles that perfectly.

wix html 5 builder bloggingehow

4- Automatic Mobile View!: This is pure magic. If you're into the latest search engine news, you'd know how Google is penalizing the websites that aren't in line with responsive designs, which means that your website's layout gets changed when you view it on a mobile device (different styles and layouts in different tech devices, depending upon their screen dimensions.)

wix mobile editor bloggingehow

Responsive designs require some in-depth knowledge of coding, and handles this for you automatically. Which is great. Once you're down with building your design (by dragging and dropping items) you can then view the website in a mobile view too, which Wix creates for you by its dynamic system at the back end.

Feature #2 Blog and Social Media Integration:

Using Wix, you can very easily create a blog for your website and integrate it with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc with just few clicks. You can start blogging right away too.

Feature #3 App Market

This is big. Utilizing different apps on the Wix market, you can enhance the power of your website/blog made with builder. You can install Facebook plugins, display ads using Google AdSense, set live chat, display polls and events, create a system to sell stuff online, add contact forms, see in depth analytics and much more.

There is a whole lot to it and Wix app market is really where the real power of gets started. I love how the folks at have create an app market, which makes it far superior than other website builder tools out there.

Feature #4 Online Web Store

If you're looking forward to create an eCommerce website that enables you to sell stuff online, you could easily create an eCommerce website using WixStores, which would let you set a cash cart, online store with multiple payment methods options available for you to offer to your clients.
Wix has definitely come long way!

wix ecommerce online builder bloggingehow

WIX Online Store 4 Key Features

With the eCommerce online store builder there is a lot of power that we get while developing an eCommerce website.

1- We can set/create various product options and set different parameters such as product sizes/colors for each individual product that we display on the site.

wix ecommerce online store features

2- Than we could add various graphics for each product such as images and description to portray our products the best we can in a most appealing way.

3- We could showcase our sales and offers. There is a neat feature where we can display "ribbons" on the products to show that they are under sale. That's fancy.

4- Thanking the customers is the vital part of our eCommerce site and WixStores handles that very well for us. Our customers will be shown a thank you screen once they make a purchase on our site.

Seamless Checkout Process

WixStores offers a great checkout process where we can offer various payment methods to our customers such as PayPal, Credit cards and offline payments.

wix payment methods

The great part is that many people find it difficult to calculate and manage the taxes on their products in online stores.
With WixStores, we can set shipping and tax rules for each product, and modify the price based on where our customers are located. WixStores will automatically calculate the shipping and tax fees for each order for us.

wix store products

Once the product is bought, WixStores it will be recorded in your WixStores store manager so that you can easily keep track of it and it�s then up to you to send out product on its way to the customer.

Managing Online Store

Tracking Order: Once a customer makes a purchase, they'll show up in your store manager where you can check the purchases as 'fulfilled' once they have been shipped.

Managing Inventory: From the store manager you can easily manage your products in store (i.e inventory) adding more products that are available for purchase.

Send Shout Outs: You can send emails to your customers letting them know about any new promotions and deals that you may have for them with time to time.
Creating Coupons: By navigating to the coupons tabs in the WixStores Store Manager, we can create new coupons for our products to set them on sale.

wix store create coupon

Apart from this, WixStores offers Help Center to learn more about how this great tool works in specific areas.

Feature #5 Support!

Finally, I would like to mention here that claims 24/7 customer support (I didn't have experience with their customer support though) and I'm sure they would be nailing it. They totally have a professional attitude towards their clients and we respect that.

You can find and queries in their vast knowledge base, and in case you can't find a solution there, you can schedule a live call with their representative and he/she could help you out fast.

To get started and to know more about and what it has to offer, you can visit their features page where they have listed every bit of it in detail.

WIX Premium & Where Do You Have To Pay! - Optional

Now as I mentioned before, you can opt for some premium features with, which would step up your eCommerce website and make it even professional.

With premium plans, you can get a customized domain name, (, otherwise, you'd be stuck with which isn't professional and won't give a good impression to your visitors, if you're serious about what you're willing to do.

Though, to my surprise, their premium plans are fairly cheap. To connect your own domain, you'd have to sign-up for a package that costs about 4$ per month. There are 3 other premium packages which you can contrasts on their Pricing information page. There are other FAQs that you can go through regarding their premium plans.

wix premium plans bloggingehow

Conclusion: How well does WIX perform - Should you go for it?

As I am a spontaneous guy myself, I love testing out new tools out there and choose the best one that fits my needs. I believe, if you're looking forward to create your own website, I would definitely ask you to test, and if you're comfortable with it (which I'm sure you'll get in love with it), you can then continue from there.

Though, if you feel that you can learn a bit of HTML/CSS and customize templates for other CMS (content management systems easily), then I would prefer WordPress or Blogger over

This is an honest opinion of mine and I hope you'd be able to utilize the power that WixStores has to offer.

Till next time brothers and sisters,

Stay blessed,
Peace. :)

Aweber Tutorial #4 Managing Email Subscribers To Save Money

Aweber Tutorial #4 Managing Email Subscribers To Save Money

This is an interesting post that is finally here in this on going Aweber tutorials series. Managing email subscribers is pretty important specially when you're paying for every individual subscriber that you have on your email list. How you're paying for each subscriber? Well, Aweber charge us on the basis of how many subscribers we currently have on our email list.

They would charge a fix fee of 19$ for using their service and tools and after that, it all depends on your subscriber count. For example, from 0 to 2500 subscribers, they would charge 10. From 2501 to 5000 subscribers on your email list, they would charge 30$. So in total, if you've 1200 subscribers on your list, you'll be paying 29$ per month. (19 + 10).

When you're paying that amount, you'll have to make sure that every single subscriber on your email list is interested in what you send to them. Some times subscribers get disturbed when a blogger would send too frequent emails  (multiple times a day or even daily in many niches). Though the major factor that determines the interest of the subscribers in what you send is their state of mind in which they subscribed you in the first place.

If a person just wanted to download you eBook for free and that it! He/she won't be looking forward to anything you'll send him in the future. What we would want is to have a valuable subscriber who got impressed by what you do online and wanted to follow your journey and learn along the way.

This is the ideal sort of email subscriber we would aim for.

Now that we have discussed as to why we need to manage our subscribers well, we can get started and see few ways to analyze the subscribers we already have on the list and how we can manage them well.

How To Manage Aweber Email Subscribers

 There are couple of things we'll look into when we talk about email subscriber management.

1- Dealing with Unsubscribe
2- Dealing with Unreachable emails
3- Dealing with Inactive Subscribers (No Opens or less open rates)

 #1 Dealing with Unsubscribes

It is binding on Aweber users to have an unsubscription link beneath every email that we send. This is a basic right of the subscriber and we can remove the unsubscription link. In fact, there is no point in holding on someone who isn't interested in what you have to offer.

So it's better to delete them from your email list rather then they causing you a hefty bill.

Every time when someones unsubscribe us, their information is still saved in our Aweber account, and we can see how many people (their name, time and other details) unsubscribe us. This means that Aweber still charge us for the people who unsubscribe us long back! Weird right?

But, on Aweber's perspective, they provide us with their information too and charge us for them as they have to save their information for us too.

What we can do is, and what I do on frequent basis is that, I would permanently delete all the people who unsubscribed to my list. Let see how we can do that from the subscribers managment section in Aweber.

unsubscribed aweber

Navigate to Subscribers tab >> Unsubscribe (left sidebar). This would filter out all the people in your email list that unsubscribe you. Notice I currently don't have anything to display as I already deleted the unsubscribers.

Once you have all these people displayed, you can check mark them all and hit the delete button that would only be displayed once you'll check mark them. (don't waste time finding the delete button ;))

#2 Dealing With Unreachable Emails

Sometimes people enter false emails while registering to simply download your eBook/Resource if you haven't implemented double opt-ins system, as we discussed that in the previous post in the series.

Such spam emails result in unreachable flag in Aweber, i.e Aweber's server could not send them emails successfully.

Another great aspect of Aweber is that they have the highest levels of email deliverability, much better than an competitor in the industry. This means, that you can sit back and chill, as you'd be sure that Aweber would be able to send emails to all the subscribers successfully without missing anyone out.

In the case of Unreachable emails, these emails IDs are either fake or their corresponding servers don't respond.

We can delete these unreachable emails too by filtering them out as in the previous case.

undeliverable emails aweber

This time, you need to filter as 'Undeliverable' as shown in the image above. Once filtered, simply delete these emails too.

Next up, the really deal begins.

#3 Dealing with Inactive Subscribers (No Opens etc)

Now, there are people who even though provide the right email, the one that they use for creating random accounts. You might have done this in the past too. We all at some point have email IDs to register for random stuff online. Though  we hardy open the emails that we get into our inbox as we know that they are all junk.

This is a big challenge to deal with such subscribers. Luckily, with Aweber, we have extremely great filters to play with, where we can pin point the subscribers who haven't, either opened our email since a specific time, or didn't click any particular link in the emails we send.

By such filters, we can figure out and delete all the subscribers who don't open our emails.

Recently, I deleted about 1500+ subscribers that never opened my emails since 3 years. It was stupid and lazy of me to not delete them long before as they kept costing me Aweber bills for no reason.

Deleting No Opens

no opens aweber subscribers

Click 'No open' under the 'segments' tab on the left as shown in the image above. You can set the time span since you wish to analyze the no opens. For demonstration purposes, I set the date to few days back so that I would have lot of subscribers to show in the process.

When you'll be figuring out No Opens, you can set the time span to past 6 months or 1 year to be generous. Notice that the recent the date it would be, the more subscribers it would filter out and you won't want to delete any subscriber who might be interested in something you send them int he future.

So make sure you set the date wisely. I only deleted the emails that 'never' opened my email broadcasts. Many bloggers around like to clean out their Aweber databases every 6 months so to delete the unwanted subscribers.

Also, its a well established fact that our email list gets degraded with the passage of time. Meaning by that people might get bored of what you send to them or their interest might change over the time.

A person willing to learn about Blogger or WordPress platform might not be interested in blogging as a whole a year from now. So for that reason, we as bloggers have to clean up our email list so that we only have the subscribers that are interested in what we send them.

Hope this post delivered some insight for managing your Aweber subscribers. A heathly list is what we need to aim for.

I hope you get inspired to start developing an email list for your blog too and make the roots strong of your online business.

You might want to read:

Till, next time

Allah Hafiz :)

Featureso Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Aweber Tutorial #3: Creating Email Web Forms

Aweber Tutorial #3: Creating Email Web Forms

In our previous post in the series, we discussed how we can setup the double opt-ins system in Aweber. Today, we'll look into how we can create new stunning looking email web forms using Aweber's built in design platform that would help us create new email web forms with simple drag and drop.

Once you're done designing your email web form, you can then export it's code and implement it on your blog very easily.

Follow the simple steps below to create new email web forms with Aweber.

How To Create New Email Web Forms?

Simply navigate towards Aweber Dashboard >> Sign Up Forms >> Create a Sign Up Form.

email webforms aweber

You can create as many email web forms that you wish. A good question here would be as to why one would want to create multiple email web forms?

Well there are few reasons for it:

1- You can design different web forms as per the place where you're willing to implement it on your blog. For example, you might want to add one email form to the side bars, one beneath each post, one in the footer of the blog etc. Thus, you'd want to design them in different way (vertical, horizontal etc.)

2- With multiple email forms, you can test the conversion rates of each form with the statistics that Aweber provides with each email form. This would let you know where your subscribers are coming from exactly. Also, you can test out new ones that might give you better results in regards to how many people viewed the email form and how many subscribed through it.

Step #1 Design Phase

Now, once you click the button that says 'Create a Sign Up Form', you will be taken to the email form designer.

Here you can play around with various options and features which would let you add images, text, buttons, separators and so much more.

designing emai webform aweber

Step #2 Configuring Email Web Form Settings.

Once you click 'Go to Step 2' you'll be asked to enter all the basic information regarding the web form such as:

1- Form name
2- Setting 'Thank you' page (You can add a link to your own custom thank you page that you have hosted on your blog's hosting or else where.)
3- Setting 'Already subscribed page' (The page that displays when a current subscribers tries to subscribe again. You can create a fancy looking page as you wish.)

In the 'Advanced settings' options, you can set the first email auto responder message that the subscriber would get in his inbox. You can create multiple auto responder series (we'll go through that in future posts in the series), which gets delivered to the subscriber with the time interval that you set for example with a week gap, or what ever you choose it to be.

advanced settings aweber email webform
In the next step, you're asked to save the web form and implement it on your blog.

Step #3 Save the Form and Implement it.

save aweber email form

Once you click 'save your form', you will be given few options to implement the code as shown in the image below.

aweber web form install settings

You can click 'I will install my form' option and it will provide you with the javascript that you'd have to add to your blog where ever you wish the email form to appear.

implement code email form aweber

That's pretty much it to it. Hope the process was easy. Now you can create your own stunning looking email web forms using Aweber.

Some Tips While Designing Email Forms

Over the time, I learned what sort of email forms works and which ones fails. I would prefer to use relatively bigger text that is easier for the reader to go through. Don't add too much information and sales pitches to the email form. Make your selling point simple.

If you're to give an eBook for free, place it's 3D image and few highlights in 2-3 bullet points.

Also, make sure your subscribe button is big. People act more on bold call to actions.

Hope these tips would help you grab a high conversion rate.

Till next time, Take care.

Allah Hafiz :)

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Featureso Tuesday, 12 May 2015