Google Analytics: 6 Crucial Metrics To Monitor Your Blog's Growth

Google AnalyticRealizing that we haven't touched Google Analytic before in depth, so we are rolling out this whole new fresh series that would aim to cover up all important, if not all features of the comprehensive metrics monitoring tool, Google Analytics. The very purpose of the series is to enlighten the readers so that they could make better use of the free product to monitor their blog's growth and take appropriate changes to their techniques like wise.

Below is the compilation of the contents that we aim to cover in the series. (more topics may be added in the series later).

Google Analytics is a whole crazy world of statistics, graphs (of thousand types) and a whole bunch of different metrics to monitor your blog's growth. So while playing around with such a comprehensive tool, its important not to get disoriented.

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For that matter, below are the most important metrics that a blogger needs to monitor in Google Analytic in the first place. (The below list is in no particular order).

#1 % New Visits

% New VisitsIts always important to keep an eye on the the first time visitors on your blog that marks the outlook of the blog in the entire internetsphere. Normally, this particular metrics tends to rise when a blog gets more traffic via search engine, that tends to in flow fresh first time visitors.

Traffic via social media can also bring in new visitors but mostly in cases where a certain post gets viral.  New visits, as oppose to returning visits would make sure that your blog's social media expanding remains on the top and your call to actions would work the best.

Imagine a returning visitor, (who have most probably subscribed to your blog) would though be a part of traffic, but non of your call to actions would work, as they might already be saturated. While new visitors have a greater chance to act to call to actions laid on your blog. That may be liking your Facebook page, or signup for an offer.

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 #2 Avg. Visit Duration

Average visit duration is again pretty important to monitor the interest your readers are taking in your blog's content. Your post length/post frequency are the main reasons that effect this metric to behave variably.

In case you tend to write 800+ words posts on average, then you average visit duration is most likely be in a healthy range of 3-3.5 minutes. That may vary depending upon the content you post often. Though average visit duration on news blogs can be low as each news post can be pretty short (around 200 words). But to cater that issue, news blogs posts multiple articles daily, may be more than 20-30 news updates. Thus that makes up the gap for the short posts.

Avg. Visit Duration

At the end of the day, the aim is to retain the readers as long as one could on the blog.

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#3 Social Actions

Social actions is one of my favorite metrics to monitor in Google Analytics. 'Social Actions' refer to the total social actions (as the name suggests) that take place on your blog. Its an extremely healthy metrics to look forward to and sums up the number of total social media shares of a particular blog post.

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#4 Visits and Avg Visit Duration By Country

As always, its crucial to know your blog's audience, and for that matter, getting to know the country they belong to is of great significance. Once you know the leading countries that you visitors belong to, you can then adjust your blog's content targeting to those specific states.

That would increase the interest of the readers, and thus overall social actions, traffic and would result in overall blog's success.

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Visits and Avg Visit Duration By Country

#5 Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate that is the inverse image of the Average visit duration is again important in its own aspect. Bounce rate would directly outpost the trend in the interest of the readers in your blog's content.

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Bounce Rate

#6 Visits By Traffic Type

Visits By Traffic TypeAdvertisers look for the blogs that have more of fresh traffic via search engines as that traffic is more lead generating. Thus its crucial to monitor the source of your traffic. Normally, for many bloggers, search engines and referral traffic (social media etc) are the top contenders in the race.

Below are few posts that highlights the ways to bring in more traffic via search engines. That would include working upon your page rank, posting frequently so that the Google bot would crawl your blog more often etc.

Though there are many more metrics in to follow, but the above ones have attained the highest importance.

What About You?

What are your favorite blog's growth metrics that you monitor? Leave out your comment below.

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