5 SEO Tips That Anyone Can Use

This guest post is written by Francis Santos of Benchmark Email.

seo tips
The relevance of SEO in the social media era is a topic that dominates many discussions these days. While the social web has no doubt changed a lot of things, the importance of optimizing one�s site for search engine visibility remains the same. Here are five hot SEO tips that can be used by webmasters of any experience level.

You may like to read:

1. Deep Link Internally

Many website owners are under the impression that they need to tally up a high number of backlinks from third-party sites. This is certainly a highly recommended practice, but linking to the pages within your own site can also help the cause. The deeper you link, the more valuable your content in the eyes of the search engines.

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2. Indulge in Social Bookmarking

Social networking is all the rage, but when it comes to SEO, social bookmarking is arguably just as valuable. Social bookmarking sites have been known to drive tons of quality traffic because of their popularity, authority, and of course, the essential linking factor. Luckily, there are plenty of options for incorporating such tools in your SEO strategy.

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3. Archive Email Content

Do you run marketing campaigns or newsletters through email? If so, that content could work wonders for your SEO efforts. After your campaign or newsletter has run its course, you can take that same content and archive it on your website for later viewing. This tends to work very well when you are pushing evergreen content that never loses its value. Be sure to optimize your archived material with keywords and the like, and you can continually benefit from it.

You may like to read:

4. Create Original Content

Create Original Content
This is perhaps one of the easiest things you can do to bolster your SEO efforts. It is also an important practice to follow in the post Panda era of the web. One of the many things Google Panda aimed to crack down on was duplicate content, which it felt was clogging up the search results and reducing the visibility of original material. Simply keeping your content original at all times will give you a huge edge over those going the cheap route.

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5. Settle for Nothing Less Than High Quality

The days of being able to cram a bunch of keywords into low quality content and be rewarded with high search engine rankings are long gone. Good riddance. These days, Google and other search engines are out to reward sites that deal in high quality content only. So what constitutes as high quality content? Content that is not only optimized to attract the search spiders, but also appeal to real human visitors.

Even in an internet world dominated by social media and advanced technology, good old fashion SEO continues to the one of the most effective ways to increase visibility and drive traffic. Give these tips a try, and you will understand why this practice continues to be a hot topic in numerous online circles.

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About The Author

Francis Santos is a writer for Benchmark Email, an email marketing software company.

Featureso Saturday, 30 June 2012
Enhanced Social Sharing Widget Slides After A Certain Distance From Top

and today we are here with another tweak to the social sharing widget that features Facebook sharing button, Google+1 button and Twitter Tweet feature. One of our commentators requested the post, so here it is dude

When we restrict the social sharing widget to slide (scroll) over after a set distance, it provides an overall clean look to the blog.

Before moving on, you may like to read:

Enhanced Social Sharing Widget


How To Add Sliding Social Media Sharing Widget To Blogs/Websites?

Step 1: Add a HTML/JavaScript widget to your Blogger blog

In case you're on Blogger you need to add a HTML/JavaScript gadget on your blog. In case you wish to add the widget on your website, you can independently add the HTML and JavaScript in their respective files on your site.

Step 2: Add The Following Code

Now once you have opened up the HTML/JavaScript gadget, simply paste the following code in it and hit save.


window.onload = function() {

  function getScrollTop() {
    if (typeof window.pageYOffset !== 'undefined' ) {
      // Most browsers
      return window.pageYOffset;

    var d = document.documentElement;
    if (d.clientHeight) {
      // IE in standards mode
      return d.scrollTop;

    // IE in quirks mode
    return document.body.scrollTop;

  window.onscroll = function() {
    var box = document.getElementById('BeH-Social-Fixed'),
        scroll = getScrollTop();

    if (scroll <= 995) {
      box.style.top = "1005px";
    else {
      box.style.top = (scroll + 10) + "px";




#BeH-Social-Fixed {

  position: absolute;

/*-------BeH Floating Sharing Widget------------*/
#floatdiv {
#BeHsidebar {
        border-top:1px solid #ddd;
        border-left:1px solid #ddd;
        border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;
        margin:0 0 0 5px;
.fb_share_count_top {width:52px !important;}
.fb_share_count_top, .fb_share_count_inner {-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}
.FBConnectButton_Small, .FBConnectButton_RTL_Small {width:52px !important; -moz-border-radius:3px;/*bs-fsmsb*/-webkit-border-radius:3px;}
.FBConnectButton_Small .FBConnectButton_Text {padding:2px 2px 3px !important;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;font-size:8px;}

<div id="AdSense-Fixed">
<div id="floatdiv">
<div id="BeHsidebar">
    <table cellpadding="1px" cellspacing="0">

    <td style="padding:5px 0px 0px 0;">
<a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="Bloggingehow">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>
    <td style="padding:5px 0 2px 0;">
    <a name="fb_share" type="box_count" href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php">Share</a><script src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php/js/FB.Share" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <td style=" padding:5px 0px 0px 0px;">
<script src='http://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js' type='text/javascript'> {lang: &#39;en-US&#39;} </script>
<g:plusone size="Tall" expr:href="data:post.url">
<p style=" line-height:0px; font-size:7px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;"><a style="color:#D3D3D3;" href="http://www.bloggingehow.com">Widgets</a></p>


In case you wish to customize the placement of the social sharing widget, you can adjust the values highlighted in the code. 

To Adjust the static height from top:  (First value)

box.style.top = "1005px";

To Adjust the padding/distance from top 'while scrolling' : (Second Value)

  if (scroll <= 995) {

 Third value needs to be the distance between the previous two values for smooth scrolling. So in case you choose the first value to be 100 and second value to be 80, that the third value must be 20 (100-80 = 20 )

Third Value :

box.style.top = (scroll + 10) + "px";

Thats all! Simply adjust these three values and you would get the desired results for the scrolling social sharing widget.

You may like to read:

Google Analytics: 6 Crucial Metrics To Monitor Your Blog's Growth
Google Analytics: How to Add Custom Widgets To Dashboard  

Respect Copyrights!

The original widget was designed by our fellow blogger Muhammad from MBT. We enhanced the widget by adding the advanced scrolling feature. kindly respect the copyright. It takes hours to modify a certain widget that we bring in to you guys.

Stay safe nation smile

You may like to read:

Featureso Friday, 29 June 2012
Google Analytics: How to Add Custom Widgets To Dashboard

Yesterday we published 6 crucial metrics to monitor your blog's growth in the series of Google Analytics. Today we would take a look at how exactly we could add all those metrics widgets in our Google Anyaltics Dashboard so that we could monitor them in one go from one place.

Google Anyaltics widgets can be placed as per our liking on the dashboard with the help of drag and drop feature.

How To Add a Widget To Google Analytics?

Go to your Analytics dashboard >> Home >> Add a Widget.

Once you click the button, a popup form appears by which you could choose 4 different widget styles. Metric, Pie, TimeLine and Table.

Add a Widget To Google Analytics

Watch the video tutorial below that clearly shows up the easy walkthrough by which you can add a widget to your Google Analytics Dashboard. As the name suggest, all 4 different forms of metrics styles show up the same data but in different layout/view. The Timeline style would graph a particular metric over timeline.

Below is the video tutorial that would showup the process of adding widgets to Google Analytics dashboard in few steps.

Featureso Thursday, 28 June 2012
Google Analytics: 6 Crucial Metrics To Monitor Your Blog's Growth

Google AnalyticRealizing that we haven't touched Google Analytic before in depth, so we are rolling out this whole new fresh series that would aim to cover up all important, if not all features of the comprehensive metrics monitoring tool, Google Analytics. The very purpose of the series is to enlighten the readers so that they could make better use of the free product to monitor their blog's growth and take appropriate changes to their techniques like wise.

Below is the compilation of the contents that we aim to cover in the series. (more topics may be added in the series later).

Google Analytics is a whole crazy world of statistics, graphs (of thousand types) and a whole bunch of different metrics to monitor your blog's growth. So while playing around with such a comprehensive tool, its important not to get disoriented.

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For that matter, below are the most important metrics that a blogger needs to monitor in Google Analytic in the first place. (The below list is in no particular order).

#1 % New Visits

% New VisitsIts always important to keep an eye on the the first time visitors on your blog that marks the outlook of the blog in the entire internetsphere. Normally, this particular metrics tends to rise when a blog gets more traffic via search engine, that tends to in flow fresh first time visitors.

Traffic via social media can also bring in new visitors but mostly in cases where a certain post gets viral.  New visits, as oppose to returning visits would make sure that your blog's social media expanding remains on the top and your call to actions would work the best.

Imagine a returning visitor, (who have most probably subscribed to your blog) would though be a part of traffic, but non of your call to actions would work, as they might already be saturated. While new visitors have a greater chance to act to call to actions laid on your blog. That may be liking your Facebook page, or signup for an offer.

You may like to read:

 #2 Avg. Visit Duration

Average visit duration is again pretty important to monitor the interest your readers are taking in your blog's content. Your post length/post frequency are the main reasons that effect this metric to behave variably.

In case you tend to write 800+ words posts on average, then you average visit duration is most likely be in a healthy range of 3-3.5 minutes. That may vary depending upon the content you post often. Though average visit duration on news blogs can be low as each news post can be pretty short (around 200 words). But to cater that issue, news blogs posts multiple articles daily, may be more than 20-30 news updates. Thus that makes up the gap for the short posts.

Avg. Visit Duration

At the end of the day, the aim is to retain the readers as long as one could on the blog.

You may like to read:

#3 Social Actions

Social actions is one of my favorite metrics to monitor in Google Analytics. 'Social Actions' refer to the total social actions (as the name suggests) that take place on your blog. Its an extremely healthy metrics to look forward to and sums up the number of total social media shares of a particular blog post.

You may like to read:

#4 Visits and Avg Visit Duration By Country

As always, its crucial to know your blog's audience, and for that matter, getting to know the country they belong to is of great significance. Once you know the leading countries that you visitors belong to, you can then adjust your blog's content targeting to those specific states.

That would increase the interest of the readers, and thus overall social actions, traffic and would result in overall blog's success.

You may like to read:

Visits and Avg Visit Duration By Country

#5 Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate that is the inverse image of the Average visit duration is again important in its own aspect. Bounce rate would directly outpost the trend in the interest of the readers in your blog's content.

You may like to read:

Bounce Rate

#6 Visits By Traffic Type

Visits By Traffic TypeAdvertisers look for the blogs that have more of fresh traffic via search engines as that traffic is more lead generating. Thus its crucial to monitor the source of your traffic. Normally, for many bloggers, search engines and referral traffic (social media etc) are the top contenders in the race.

Below are few posts that highlights the ways to bring in more traffic via search engines. That would include working upon your page rank, posting frequently so that the Google bot would crawl your blog more often etc.

Though there are many more metrics in to follow, but the above ones have attained the highest importance.

What About You?

What are your favorite blog's growth metrics that you monitor? Leave out your comment below.

Featureso Wednesday, 27 June 2012
4 Tips In Differentiating Between Various 'Make Money Online Techniques'

Make Money Online Techniques'
Understanding how you will be able to get make money online techniques and how it could help you in getting into the kind of online job that you want is considerably very helpful. You need to understand every step that you will be taking in order to be more patient and would readily persevere in times when the feedback from the employers is not that clear. It would really take a great lot of patience and right understanding on the nature of the online jobs so that you will be more resilient to whatever outcome that your job application may get.

Different Techniques

In earning a lot more income through online jobs, it is better that you understand first how the make money online techniques are done. The following techniques could serve as your guide too on what you are going to do in searching for the right online jobs for you where you can earn a lot more.

1. The first thing that you need to set is on what your skills could be and what possible jobs that you can do. In online jobs there are several jobs that you can choose from wherein it would be based to your skills and experiences. The more qualified you are to a certain position the higher the chance that you will be hired with a much higher salary rate than their standard rate. Do not apply to any job wherein you know that you are not capable of doing because you are just wasting your time applying for it.

2. The second make money online techniques could be for you to use a separate email address from your personal mails. In this way, you will be able to tract from where a certain email has come from and you can readily correspond to it immediately. You could at least make two more email addresses aside from your personal, this number could be just manageable. It would surely come in handy sometime in the future.

Make Money Online Techniques'

3. You need also to prepare the payment account where you want your pay should be channelled to. Better that you will get to register yourself to a major payment channel company wherein most online companies are doing. Make sure also that you could positively link it to your bank account in your locality so that you will not have a hard time withdrawing your pay.

4. Another one very important among the make money online techniques is that you get to apply to not only one company at a time but to several companies at a time so that your time will not be wasted while waiting for the employer to respond. The more companies that you are applying with, the greater the chance that you will be hired by not only one company but more than one or two companies could be ideal. Just make sure that you are able to manage well all the work that will be delegated to you by all of the employers that you may have so that your jobs will not be compromised.

About The Author

This article aims to give the basic idea to those who would love learning how to get free money. If you would like to proceed gaining more tips on how to make money online, you may check out our website.

Top 10 World's Most Expensive Cities To Live In 2012

Top 10 World's Most Expensive CitiesWith the increasing cost of living, countless wars around the globe, job layoffs, and saturation in the market, one tends to think about the worlds most expensive places to live around the globe. Its often fun to know about the extreme points of anything that we wish to get around. The limits.

Similarly in todays era, it wouldn't be hard to digest high inflation rates all around the map and for that purpose, we have laid down top 10 worlds mosts expensive cities to live. Leave out your comments below if you could afford any one of these inflation heavens.smile

Before starting of, you may like to read:

#1 Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo has been consistently on the second and third spot in the list from the past 5 years and has jumped over to the leaders spot in the current year according to the survey carried out by Mercer.
Comparing Tokyo with Karachi, that has the worlds cheapest living cost, it is 1/3 more expensive than the later city.

Tokyo has been the inspiration for many travelers and tourist, but the living cost has really snubbed that enjoyment side of the living.

Monthly Rent, Luxury 2 Bedroom: $4,848
Cup of Coffee: $8.29
One Gallon of Gasoline: $7.34
Daily International Newspaper: $6.38
Fast-Food Meal: $8.29

Tokyo, Japan

#2 Luanda, Angola

 Luanda, that is the capital of Africa held first position from the paste 5 years but this time it handed that over to Tokyo and moved one spot down the ladder. The second largest oil producer city of Africa, that accounts of 98% of the total exports, is all set to increase its GDP by 12+% in the year 2012.

The renting cost is only inline with the budgets of the elites and are out of bound from the mediocre citizens.

You may like to read:

 Monthly Rent, Luxury 2 Bedroom: $6,500
Cup of Coffee: $3.90
One Gallon of Gasoline: $2.38
Daily International Newspaper: $5.46
Fast-Food Meal: $19.94
Luanda, Angola

 #3 Osaka, Japan

 Osaka is the second largest city of Japan that has shoots up by three spots this year from 6th to 3rd. With 1.1 million people flaying in the city every day, the average rentals are touching the sky. And that is pretty much expected. But unlike rentals, the cost of fast food, fuel etc have all inflated in comparison with the last year prices.

Monthly Rent, Luxury 2 Bedroom: $3,062
Cup of Coffee: $7.02
One Gallon of Gasoline: $6.85
Daily International Newspaper: $6.38
Fast-Food Meal: $8.29
Osaka, Japan

 #4 Moscow, Russia

 Moscow, that is the home of most billionaires in the world has retained its position from the paste 2 years. Due to the booming oil generation and new commodities, public has gone wealthy than last year, thus increasing the cost of rentals all around the worlds largest country.

Also being the fact that its the capital of Russia, that makes all the investor pop in the city followed by the tourists from all around the globe.

 Monthly Rent, Luxury 2 Bedroom: $4,200
Cup of Coffee: $8.37
One Gallon of Gasoline: $3.67
Daily International Newspaper: $9.78
Fast-Food Meal: $6.70
Moscow, Russia

#5 Geneva, Switzerland

 Geneva, that is the second most expensive city of Switzerland has retained to this spot from the past 3 years. Being the fact that the city holds up to 20 International organizations including United Nations, WHO, Red Cross etc, the inflow of the foreigners is more than 44% of the overall population of the city.

That adds up the cost of living and rentals that has gone up to 4200$ per month (for a 2 room luxury apartment) from 300$ last year. Followed by the fact that Geneva is known to have one the worlds best school systems, thus adding up to the living cost for the families.

Monthly Rent, Luxury 2 Bedroom: $4,818
Cup of Coffee: $6.57
One Gallon of Gasoline: $7.46
Daily International Newspaper: $4.38
Fast-Food Meal: $12.59
Geneva, Switzerland

#6 Zurich, Switzerland

 Zurich, that featured 7th in 2011, and 9th in 2010 has moved up the top 10 list due to the overall world economic crisis followed by internal factors. The city is renowned for low taxes, thus attracting foreign inverters to a great extent, that is gradually increasing the city up the higher spots of inflation/living costs.

The city is known for its security for the citizens, thus adding more value the living, thus popping up the average cost of living too.

 Monthly Rent, Luxury 2 Bedroom: $3,614
Cup of Coffee: $6.02
One of Gallon Gasoline: $7.38
Daily International Newspaper: $4.38
Fast-Food Meal: $12.59
Zurich, Switzerland

 #7 Singapore

Singapore is one of the biggest financial centers with in Asia that has moved up the list from 8th in 2011 and 11th in 2010. Astonishing the fact is that Singapore is known for the sky high cost to get a car permit, costing $46,000 to over $67,000 per 10 years has jumped over 40% since the start of 2012.

Monthly Rent, Luxury 2 Bedroom: $3,588
Cup of Coffee: $5.18
One Gallon of Gasoline: $6.55
Daily International Newspaper: $3.59
Fast-Food Meal: $5.66

#8 N� Djamena, Chad

N'Djamena is the economic center of Chad, that is also the capital of Chad, i.e central African country. The city has dropped to 5 spots from the last two years from being 3rd in the top 10 list.  The major factor for the increased cost of living is due to the fact that foreigners find it hard to get a suitable living apartments, that are hard to find. The security issue to the city has also made the living cost pretty high, thus residents go for those few available spots to reside in the African city.

Monthly Rent, Luxury 2 Bedroom: N/A
Cup of Coffee: $3.32
One Gallon of Gasoline: $6.55
Daily International Newspaper: $6.85
Fast-Food Meal: $25.18
N� Djamena, Chad

#9 Hong Kong

The worlds second hottest property market has dropped one spot from last year being the 9th worlds most expensive country in the world.The most inflated section of the rising costs in the city is the rental section that shoo up to $7100 from $5800 in 2011. Hong Kong�s reputation as a major global financial center remains a big draw for international businesses and expatriates, which in turn pushes up the cost of living.

Monthly Rent, Luxury 2 Bedroom: $7,092
Cup of Coffee: $6.83
One Gallon of Gasoline: $8.36
Daily International Newspaper: $3.61
Fast-Food Meal: $3.54 

#10 Nagoya, Japan

The cost of living has touched the skies recently in the Japans auto mobile manufacturing hub that was placed 19th in 2010. The cost of housing has risen due to the fact that it is one of the largest industrial sectors of the country.

Monthly Rent, Luxury 2 Bedroom: $2,551
Cup of Coffee: $6.38
One Gallon of Gasoline: $6.70
Daily International Newspaper: $6.38
Fast-Food Meal: $8.42
Nagoya, Japan

Which city would you like to reside in? is $2251 suitable to your monthly budget? Share you fun stories below.smile

Featureso Tuesday, 26 June 2012