6 Content Marketing Examples - How to Drive Your First 10,000 Visitors to Your Blog?

Blogging is fun, but only when people read your content. It has always been a big issue with the bloggers who are relatively new with their blogs and want to be read by thousands.

I'm sure you'd have already read a whole bunch of blog posts that talk about the same old stuff, that is 'Content is King', post quality stuff and what not.

YES, it is the fact that without publishing the content that your audience needs, there is no way one can pull of their blog in long run.

how to drive your first 10000 visitors to blog

Though, I would ask, how many posts did you found who would actually define your what quality content is and what has been working for themselves personally? ...Very little I would say.

This very post is special to me and I'm sure to you too, as I lay down some practical tips that you can start following from today and notice the results coming.

 I would recommend you to follow these tips for at least 2 months straight with out any gap, and I would love to see the results from you in this very post.

Once you're done reading this blog post, make sure you come back to this video below where I go through how to market your blog post once you're publishing it.

6 Content Marketing Examples that Works Lightning Fast...

I have seen quite a bit of bloggers who have recently begun with their blogging passion but fail to realize what is supposed to be 'quality content' for their niche?

There are 3 types of posts that you can publish:

1- A How-to post:  People would search a lot of these in search engines and you can expect traffic from Google, Yahoo etc.

Posts that teach readers how to do something; these typically perform very well in organic search if they align with long-tail search terms.

For example few blog posts ideas:

a- How To Attach an Image In Whatsapp (This seems pretty basic, though people actually search for such basic content, and by this, we can capture people interested in Whatsapp messenger and love it.)

Same goes for other messaging, AI bot apps app platforms.

2- Top List Posts Without Consent Of People Added: These posts are often get traffic from search engines, with an addition of their viral nature, they get handsome shares in social media too.

For example few blog posts ideas:

a- 8 best messaging apps for Android
b- 10 Best Messaging Apps

These posts are for ever giving. They never get old and continue to give traffic for years to come. For evergreen content.

3- Top List Posts With Consent Of People/Brand Added:These are the posts that you would write with the consent of actual people taking part in it.

Below, once I go through each of these categories you need to work on, I've shared a schedule for you too to work upon for first 2 months of your blogging.

The biggest favor you can do to me is to stick to it and keep praying for me when you get the results in Google Analytics. :)

4- Thought Leadership: - Posts that explain fundamental shifts in an industry, or ask the reader to rethink convention wisdom.

For example few blog posts ideas:

a- Why you should ditch SMS and embrace over-the-top messaging apps

5- Newsjacks - Timely content that either reports on industry news, or finds unexpected tie-ins with popular news items.

For example few blog posts ideas:

a- Bots Are The New Apps, Voice Is The User Interface, AI Is The Protocol And Messaging Apps Are The Browsers
b- Google said to be planning new messaging app that�ll let you text a chatbot

More like latest, hot news. These spread like viral.

Once you're done reading the blog post, you can marketing your blog posts using reddit platform.

Checkout: How to Bring Reddit Traffic To Your Blog? (Advance)

6- Infographics/SlideShares - Blog posts that primarily use visual content to tell a story.

a- Top 10 Apps for Instant Messaging (Infographic)

Infographics that are meant for content marketing strategy, have the desired product's landing page link at the footer. As infograhics go viral (easily shared thousands of times), they are a free way to kick start word of mouth marketing.

Also checkout: 10 Eye Opening BitCoin Infographics - Biggest Scam Yet?

A How-to Post

A How to post, as the name suggests is a tutorial style post that solves a certain problem in your niche. How-to posts are generally step by step guide to achieve a certain goal and a good example would be for a guy who writes on guitar training:

"How to tune your guitar like a master"

BUT, before you plan on to write on a particular topic, make sure you do your research thoroughly for the most search keywords involved in that string search in Google.

Image you spend 6 hours writing a great comprehensive tutorial and put the title a bit of to what people are searching. A small keyword variation in the post title can make a huge difference in the traffic you would expect to achieve.

An example of 'how to' blog post/AskHassam video on BloggingeHow is:

So be smart in that regards. These 4 Advices For Choosing The Best Blog Post Title would help you figuring out the best copy of post title you need to add to your how-to post.

Top List Post Without Consent

These are those typical Top-list posts that you decide to create for example "Top 50 Heaviest Dog Breeds on Planet" or "87 Fastest Growing Plants" etc.

You see, the major 'wow' factor for these posts are the attracting post titles that you can miss out. They just draws you in.

How many times you visit forbes.com and you end up reading hundreds of posts on top celebrities. These are the posts that you can share on your social media profiles and get considerable attention from your fan base.

top list posts

Quick Tip: 

For Top list posts, I have noticed 2 things that work pretty well and you should definitely implement these too.

1- Always create a bigger and better Top-list for a certain topic that what already exists in Google. If you want to write about Creepiest April Fool Prank, first search in Google and see what is the best content out there.

Then Beat that right away by publishing a bigger and higher quality post. Trust me, Google will pick it up the very next day.

 This is why these big brands always publish massive/huge Top list articles so that it's hard to beat that huge of a content for an ordinary writer/blogger.

Remember this: "If you can't beat the best content out there, Don't bother creating your own version.

This is what I have noticed. All of my posts that were not the best ones out there, all went to drain like scrap. They don't even give a tiny bit of traffic. Even though the content was pretty good. Why, because Google just brings the 'best version of content' to the web search. Period.

Now Market These Posts Once Done...

Once you're done writing these posts, make sure you don't sit idle after publishing these and actually push these to your social media profiles frequently.

By 'Frequently' I mean, publish it on Facebook 2-3 times a week, (schedule them in advance on popular days like Monday -  Thursday), and keep pushing it to Twitter at least 1-2 times a day if not more.

Some times if your audience on Twitter are following less people, then it might get annoying to see the same content more than 3-5 times. So just make a equilibrium between 1-2 times a day.

Make sure you Pin the images on Pinterest too.

Though these marketing tips aren't in the scope of this post and is a huge topic it's self, I would say just make sure that readers can easily share your top-list post on social media too.

Once the post is done publishing, you can promote them using these top platforms that work pretty great to drive instant traffic to your blog.

Checkout: Content Marketing Platforms� 5 Free Tools To Boost Your Blog's Reach

Top List Post With Consent

Such posts happen to bring massive traffic via social media due to the fact that the people mentioned in the post would appreciate them being added to the list and would promote the post too.

As every body likes free press, imagine if somebody would interview you as a blogger and publish a post. Won't you share it with your friends and family?

So, keep these posts to your priority list and publish 3-4 of these per week for your blog. Remember, the more quality stuff you would provide to your readers, the more they would come back.

This is proven!...

The more I personally write on BloggingeHow, the more traffic unlike on our other fellow writers on the blog. Why? It's not that their content ain't great, it's the fact that your audience tend to get attached with you as appreciates your content more.

An example of top list posts with consent would be:

"50 Greatest Quotes by Bloggers"

Now imagine, you contact these top names in the industry and ask for their quotes. Honestly tell them that you're publishing a post that they would be included in.

You can also checkout: 8 Best About Us Pages Online

They would be more than happy and honored to provide you with their quote, and are most likely to share it in their social circle.

Imagine a top blogger tweeting your posts to his 25k twitter follower and getting 5k re- tweets? How sweet would that be?

EPIC it would be buddy!...

Final Words - My Mistakes and Advice For You

There is one last final advice I have for you and is indeed one of the things  I regret to some extent. When you're new to blogging, you tend to accept guest posts to increase your posting frequency and generate more content for your readers.

Did you too? 

Well, if you do happen to accept them, make sure that these guest authors aren't deteriorating the 'standard' created by you your self. As you would be most loyal to your brand value, you are the only one who would publish the best content, and no one else will.

So my advice would be to create a high bench mark for the guest post you accept on your blog so that the quality doesn't gets effected.

My Blogging Mistakes

Now that you've done reading the content marketing examples above, I would want you to watch the live webinar we did recently on my personal blogging mistakes. I hope you don't repeat them as I did.

Schedule - How To Take Action?

As they say, Wisdom without action is Nil, so make sure you start working on these tips for your blog. You'll only start getting traffic if you ask your self daily,

"what value did I add to my brand and readers today?"

I would recommend you to publish:

  • 2-3 Top List posts with Consent in a Week
  • 1-2 General Top List posts
  • 2-3 How-tos
  • 1 Interview of a leading figure in your niche.

That's pretty much it guys, I hope this post helped you out. I would love to get feedback on your results in the comment below. Let me know what other strategies you would implement to increase your traffic?

Looking forward. Peace.

Also checkout: Content Marketing Platforms� 5 Free Tools To Boost Your Blog's Reach

Featureso Tuesday, 31 May 2016
MOST Inspirational & Hard Working YouTube Channels

Entrepreneurs can change the world. They have changed the way how we look at earning our livings. 

The conventional way to getting through the job ladder system has been ripped off due to these amazing young talents around.

The list would tell us how a 15 year old could earning more than what his father could manage in 50 year age. Creativity has no limits. So the parents should have believe in their young minds and let them choose the field of their interest, so that they could excel in what they do and become an icon for the society.

This is my belief. Yesterday i posted Top 10 Short Inspirational Videos For Entrepreneurs. As that list was a true inspiration for every body who wants to do something iconic in their life, in the same way, these young entrepreneurs would really motivate you to set your aims higher than what you could ever think of. Build a trust within your self.

Before I would start the list, you have to note that these are the personalities that inspired me the most and I grew up watching these YouTube channels. :)

1. Christian Guzman

Age: 23
Founder: Alphalete Athletics

Christian guzman

Christian is a famous Fitness YouTuber/Video blogger who started his YouTube channel back in 2012, almost when I personally started this very blog, BloggingeHow. Christian is among very few young lads who have inspired me so much.

I'm one of his early YouTube subscribers, and I admire him because of his pure hard work! I haven't seen many people at this age who are so clear about their vision.

Back in 2012, Christian didn't even had enough funds to buy a simple protein shake for him self. Now, the guy has a fitness apparel company named 'Alphalete', that earns over 5-6 figures monthly.

Christian was able to get his dream cars at this young age, like Lamborghini, BMW i8 and what not.

The guy is super down to earth, has a great family life. Just lately, he bought his father an amazing car, that brought his father into tears.

Total admire him! Every single young brother and sister reading this needs to follow him and get inspired from what he's up to.

2. Marc Fitt

marc fitt

Sharing another great inspiration for me, Marc Fitt, who started his fitness career by getting inspired from the great legend fitness model Greg Plitt.

Marc is also the founder of Rise Gym Gear company that totally changed the life of Marc. With millions of people who got inspired from Marc and his motivational videos on YouTube, he has made an amazing impact in the fitness industry.

These two guys changed my life too. The reason to share them with you is to make sure that you follow them and get inspiration from these young guys.

The are literally changing the world <3

3- Ray William Johnson 

Most Subscribed YouTuber Once
Founder of EqualsThreeStudios

I started watching Ray William Johnson's vlogs 'Breaking NYC' (That are not available any more, as he brought them down) back in 2009 when I was in my Alevels. He moved to NYC with only about 500$ in his pocket, that he talked about in his vlogs.

ray william johnson

Ray had a pretty humble background, his grandfather was a carpenter, as he mentions that from one of his early BreakingNYC episodes.

Now fast forward 6 years later, ray is doing so much that it's hard to follow it in it's entirety. He has 5-6 sub shows under his studios with different hosts for each.

There was one thing that left a mark on my memory, from one of his early videos. Once he went a head explaining how he learnt the 'secret' to become the best. Even since he came to New York City, what ever job he was at, he became the best at it, among his competitors.

Early on, he applied for a waiter job at a hotel. Soon he realized there was one guy who used to get the most tips out of the customers. He learned the skills that guy possessed and soon implemented them on him self.

Few months a head, he became the most tipped person in the hotel. Later he started a YouTube channel from his college dorm room and started studying what made a person most subscribed and viewed on YouTube platform.

He worked hard for it and finally became the most subscribed YouTuber few years back until his goals changed later.

 4- Javon Alvin

Age: Early 20s
Part Of Team Alphalete & a Pro Video Editor

Javon Alvin

As part of the team Alphalete, Javon takes care of the entire video editing stuff for Christian Guzman, whom I just mentioned above. The level of video editing skills he has, it's just amazing to see his work not only for his on YouTube videos, but for entire Alphalete team.

Javon's famous saying "lets get it.." is loved by his fans and subscribers and I personally love the grind he is following since years.

His videos are part of my staple YouTube diet, that I watch every single day when it comes out. :) He motivational words are always inspiring and helped me a lot on my down days, when you don' really want to do much.
Woh! Inspiring? Truly it was for me. The point that every beginners would ask him self that how the hell we could get to such a point. Lets take an example of blogging.

You want to become a pro blogger. The top tips that could take us to the level where world could appreciate us can be these few main points:
Find a topic that you are motivated to write on and gather knowledge for your life time and not get bored.
Then write more and more about it (post frequency and post consistency)
On the same time do follow the basic SEO techniques.
And wait for the results for 1-2 years!

Who're Your Favorite YouTubers?

Let me know in the comments section about your favorite YouTuber stars that you love watching in the free time, or that have impacted your life.

You would find your self in the top blogger list.

You might like to read the recent top lists:


Featureso Friday, 20 May 2016
How To Reduce Bounce Rate - 6 PROVEN Steps!

decrease bounce rate

Is your Blog's/website bounce rate touching the skies? Are you afraid of the high percentage of the people leaving out your website without reading more than 1 posts? Well then there are some simple and practical surefire tips, that you could easily implement to your hardwork (blog) and drop its bounce rate like crazy!

Most of these points are well known but there is always a need to channelize out the information that we have. If i miss out any tips here, it would be a pleasure to get it from your side in the comment section below the post.

what is bounce rate

What Is Bounce Rate?

Well, bounce rate (a ratio) is determined by the number of people reading no more than 1 post/article on your blog , divided by total number of visitors on a particular day/month etc.

Bounce Rate = People Who Read ONLY 1 Post / Total Number Of Visitors
bounce rate

How To Drop Your Bounce Rate Dramatically?

Tip #1 Blog Design

Have a look at your blog or website and think of as a reader. Do you get irritated by the layout? Does it have a dark background? Are your navigation buttons misleading?

These are the simple questions that only YOU can answer well. You just need to build your first impression over your readers. Once you get over that, your readers would read more and more articles on your blog, plus they would subscribe too!

You can also checkout AH 006: What Does a Professional Blog Look Like?

So What To Do?

1- Make sure that you have a simple, clean looking navigation buttons with categories listed. Or your could place the categories in the footer of your blog as shown in the picture below.

blog footer design

 2- Make sure that your blog logo or header shows up your tag line. If thats not the case, then your blog domain should give an idea of what sort of content you share with your readers.

Its quite important to tell the visitor about the niche (Topic) of your blog.

Tip #2 Content

These tips are pretty obvious but are often ignored by most of us. Your blog's content has a great role in attracting readers to open more than 1 page. Its in fact one of the sole factors that could play a great role in reducing bounce rate instantly.

professional blog content

1- The more informal writing you do, the more readers tend to associate them self with you, as an author and tends to read more and more. No one now days likes to read formal content with high vocabulary.

These 25 Must Read Blogging Tips For Successful Blog would help you out further mark your way to a great content building.

2-Always try to stay on the topic that you're writing upon. The moment you would loose the hold of the main theme, the reader would get board and leave off instantly. Keep him reminding of the topic and asks questions frequently in the post to make him feel interested in the post. Is the post helping you out till now? See? Such sort of questions DOES help.smile

Tip #3 Font Size

Font size plays a crucial role in making your readers stay on the blog. Anything between 12-14px is pretty good. Notice how comfortable you may feel while reading this post. Isn't it? Do you? So at least font size is not going to compel you to leave the blog.

You may like to read: How To Change The Blogger Post Text Size

Tip #4 Apply Target="_blank" (Open In New Window)

This is crucial! When you tend to interlink your blog posts/articles, there are couple of times that you may have to link some external link for reference purposes with in the post.

Say, you link Facebook.com with in your article. The link would be like:

<a href="http://www.facebook.com">Facebook</a>
 When you add such type of link, it would open in the same browser window thus making the reader leave your blog. This reduces the page views per visitor and increases the bounce rate.

So as a counter measure, you need to add a little 'target' tag to the above link. Once the tag is added, the link would look like:

 <a target="_blank" href="http://www.facebook.com">Facebook</a>
 After apply this, the Facebook link would open up in another tab.

In Blogger, you can simply tick check the box saying "Add 'rel=nofollow' attribute" as shown in the image below.

open in new window

Tip #5 Use Less Ads

The more ads you would use on your blog, the more it is likely that a person would leave out your blog by clicking that particular ad. Thus increasing your bounce rate. Or if you're using the ads, make sure that they open up in another window on the click so that you could maintain the user's attention on the content he/she was on.

Also checkout other strategies to earn if you want to explore other ways to make a living online. How To Earn 1000$ a Month With Your Blog

blog ads

Tip #6 DON'T Distract Them!

When you place unnecessary widgets/gadgets on your blog's sidebar, the reader would get distracted and may leave your blog via clicking those gadgets. The only widgets that you may like to keep in your sidebars are social media subscriptions widgets/gadgets, related posts, popular posts etc.

reader attention

Hope these tips helped you. I am sure there are a lot of other ways we could reduce bounce rate. I would love to hear them from you. Waiting for your comments!smile

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Featureso Saturday, 14 May 2016
25 Practical Blogging Tips That You Don't Want To Overlook

 blogging tips

Early blogging days are always hard to pass. I remember even 10 visitors seemed a fancy number.  

With a thirst to move forward and build a successful blog, i started out reading blogging tips in order that i could achieve a successful blog in future.

No matter how many hours it took to find an answer to my query, i didn't mind spending it. Sometimes 4 sometimes 10! Today building out a decent base of BloggingeHow, we aim to go further with the support that you guys have always showed.

During this time period, and reading out dozens of blogging tips that proved beneficial for my self, i would like to point them out here, so that you get an idea of what to look for in your blogging career and what aims to achieve during this hard work time.

Here are top 25 blogging tips that i believe are most crucial to a successful blog launch and would earn you a bright future if you stick to them.


1-Set A Direction: Know Your Path

    Once you're sure about what you want to write about (regardless if you would make any money out of it or not,  but only because its your passion to do so), now its time to get technical. Carry out a research for that specific topic and find the 'most' suitable "keyword" that you would build your blog upon.

    know your goal
    You just don't drop out and start writing upon. Notice how you find content online. You search a specific keyword or phrase and Google shows up its most relevant and high quality results. A minor changes to your keyword search would change the results likewise.

    That means, that every site/blog has its own area of focus and it gets traffic through those keywords. So jump out on Google Keyword Tool and search your keywords. Finally come up with a short phrase that has highest traffic per month (that's how keyword tool shows).

    Say you wish to write about making money through Internet. The most used and highly searched keyword in this aspect is say "make money online".

    So choose this keyword and put it in your blog meta keywords. (i would later talk about it in SEO blogging tips).

    Make sure that you find your self a specific niche (blogging topic). Blogging about Technology would consume more efforts and would be hard to rank high then simply writing about Apply products.

     Just a random idea. Now days people search more specific queries in search engines and that what you need to take care of while choosing the right topic.

    2-Choosing The 'Right' Domain

    25 Must Read Blogging Tips For Successful BlogOnce you have sought out the blogging topic for your self, its time to hunt for a relevant domain that is made up of those keywords that you want to target. Its not that easy to find out.

    Top domain names would be always booked when you look for them. But hard work always pays off.

    Buying a domain like : www.makingmoneyonline.com would be a dream for you. When you visit the domain registrar site (bluehost may be), you can search for domains there.

    You may like to read:


    3-Choosing The 'Right' Blogging Platform

    Now this may be controversial to many, but i believe it totally depends upon you. The most popular blogging platform today are WordPress.org and Blogger.com.

    I go through the entire procedure of starting a professional blog on Wordpress on the post linked below.

    How to Launch & Publish a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog In 8 Minutes! [VideoCast]

    WordPress.org (self hosted WordPress) is a paid service, where you would have to buy a hosting so that you can put your blogging files up there on the server. You cant start up with it without getting a hosting.

    blogger vs wordpress

    On the other hand, if you still want to go with WordPress but don't want to pay, then WordPress.com (Free WordPress with limited options) is available too. Like wise, Blogger.com is also quite famous (By Google) and is totally free with 100% up time reputation.

    This blog is hosted upon Blogger. I just bought the domain and it was good to go. If i have to recommend a blogging platform to any beginner, i would say it depends upon you.

    If you don't have financial constraints and most students like me do, then WordPress would be the right choice with a self hosted blog.

    The only attraction towards WordPress over Blogger is its great looking professional free templates plus, a great amount of quality plugins that are on your disposal.

    There is nothing such plugins thing in Blogger. You have to do tweaks manually. But again its totally free, so what to loose?

    Early blogging days are often experimentation and for that, i would recommend Blogger. Later you may consider shifting over to WordPress.

    4-Choosing The Right Hosting Company

    Blogger is known for its 100% up time. But that's not achieved by any other hosting company, even the top ones.

    Currently I utilize bluehost web hosting and it's been over 3 years that I'm totally satisfied with it. I have talked about that in this getting started with blogging page.

    best web hosting company

    So make sure you get the best ones right in the starting. But again, don't be afraid of failures if they come later on as its the part of learning process that we all are into. Just make your decision wisely and then believe in your self.

    5-Setting Up a Goal

    Setting goal is extremely important for your success in any field that you hop into. That's the only force that makes you work harder to achieve that target. Look how top entrepreneurs and a legendary body builder, 'Arnold', made out their way to the top.

    setup your goals

    You may like to read: 

      6- Be Your Self

      Its like branding 'Yourself' too! Make yourself unique and that would only happen if you stay what 'You Are' and not trying to be like the top probloggers or who ever you admire. Note their best qualities and indeed apply to them to your life style, but in your own way.

      be your self

      People often like the informal way i write my posts and that's what they like about articles here at BloggingeHow. Be confident in what ever you do and people would start following you likewise.

      Thank you for all of this :)

      7- Enjoy Your Writing Career

      Take blogging as a discussion with your readers. Pretend that they all are listening to your right away when you write your content. This way you would enjoy what you write. Also as mentioned before, passion for a particular topic is vital in this regard too.


      8- Make Sure You Brand Your Blog

      Its all about giving a unique look to your blog so that people know it my its design. Every top website/blog that you know has its own unique look. You could get a free template and then customize it according to your liking. Its called branding.

      Giving out a unique look to your blog so that people know you by design too.

      You could buy professionals template, that are already fit to go on with in most cases. But still you would be needing a branding phase. Or you could either simply hire a programmer and build out one from scratch.

      You may like to read:

        9- Concentrate On 'About Us' Page

        Ever read about how About Us page can make or break impression? People often visit About Us pages to get involved in what ever they would read later on. They like to get connected virtually with the mind behind the content they read.

        about us page

        So make sure you give out your best picture on about us page, a video would be even better. Write out about your self in a friendly way as if you would narrate your story.

        Design it well. Tell them what reader can expect from your blog and finally at the end, give them a call to action. Mention out your best posts etc to tell them what to do next.

        You may like to read:

          10-Perfect Contact Us Page

          It can be a good idea to have a separate Contact Us page on your blog. People often like to get connected with you for seeking inspiration and sharing their views about your blog. Or they may like to get any advice.

          You may like to read:

            SEO / Building Traffic

            11- Choose The 'Right' Post Frequency

            Post frequency matters a lot to a blogs success. Posting content frequently on your blog, may be daily, would attract your visitors and your blog would become a part of their lives. I wrote a post yesterday about choosing the right post frequency for your blog. Once you decide it for your self, simply stick to it.

            blog posting frequency

            Read the article below to get the entire idea:

            12- Take Care Of SEO

            Search engine optimization is most crucial and is backbone to driving traffic to your blog. You would aim to get major traffic from search engines, and for that your content should attract them. Your blog should too in general!

            SEO is majorly depended upon few vital aspects that i have talked about in the post below. There are couple of Search engine plugins that i compiled too, in one of the posts below.

            13-Giving Out Quality Content To Readers

            The more comprehensive quality content that you give out to readers that solve their problems, the more they would be loyal towards your blog. They may subscribe to your feeds and social network (Facebook, Twitter etc) at the end of the post.

            Readers would come back to your blog and would recommend it to their friends too. So as a whole due to word of mouth and social media interaction, you would start seeing increase in your blog traffic. And remember, its exponential!

            content is king

            It may be difficult to build those first 100 visitors. After that its becomes much more easy. So look forward to that time and motivate your self to workout hard in those early days. Simply follow these tips consistently and you would feel the rewards coming.

            14-Choose Perfect Post Titles- A Gateway Of Traffic

            Understand that optimized post titles are Gate Way of search engine traffic. The more search engine optimized content you write, the more doors are you building for people to access your blog through different search keywords and phrase.

            Read this post to choose Post title wisely:

            15- Consider The Right Posting Timings

            Posting timings matter a lot too. Though you wont feel the difference in early days, but when people start following your content on daily basis, you should make sure that you give them content when "They" want it to come.

            post publishing timings

            Look towards the statistics of your blog and know the demographics. Like most of our traffic comes from United States. So i would make sure that i post out an article when people are in their offices (they often like to read something of their interest in morning).

            Posting Timings becomes crucial in manipulating Alexa rank later on when your blog is highly ranked. I would keep you updated over this as i am experimenting upon this now days too.

            16-Monitor Blog Statistics Regularly

            Though it might not be a good idea to waste too much of your time in looking to stats, as you cant do much about it in early days. 

            monitor blog traffic

            At then the only thing you should concentrate on is creating content. Later on when you start getting decent traffic, you can make use of statistics and plan out your approach and posting timings likewise.

            17- Make Use Of Blog Feeds

            Many readers like to read content through their emails. Its called your blog feeds.

            Your daily content is emailed to your blog feed subscribers and thus make them satisfy.

            blog post syndication

             Many people also limit their blog feeds to 'jump break'. That is a limited snippet of your daily article is mailed to them and thus they reach out to your blog post page to read the remaining content, and thus increasing traffic.

            You can checkout these top content marketing platforms that you can use to increase your blog's outreach. 

            The more email subscribers you have, the more traffic you can get.

            Know why your email subscribers are not increasing:


            18- Write Top Posts

            Top Lists are always attractive to the eyes and drive traffic through search engines to a great extent. People often like to share them in their social circles to thereby increasing your traffic. Sometimes if you're lucky, they might get viral bringing in thousands of visitors.

            top list posts

            Connecting With Fans

            19- Socialize With Your Fans

            When you get a decent following on social media (Facebook, Twitter etc), socializing really benefits your blog. Its doesn't mean that you should always share a post with them. You could share you views on a particular topic, take their views, or just post out a quote of your liking.


            Got the idea?

            Make sure that they remain connected with you and your blog brand.

            Do you have a custom Facebook Fan page URL? If not, read the post below:

            20- Marketing Your Blog

            This works best in early days of blogging. It helps to increase your back links (through blog commenting) and brings in few of those first valuable visitors, that keep you going in blogging career.

            marketing content

            Leave out comments (with a link to your blog) on blogs with in your niche. Its even better if the blog is do-follow. That would earn you a respectable Google Page Rank due to quality back links.

            You may like to read :

             Guest Posting is another great way to put out your voice and name in blogging world. Popular blogs have massive following and by leaving out a quality guest post their would bring traffic towards your blog. These visitors often subscribe your blog too as they look forward to get connected with you, if you leave a lasting impression over them.

            That's where first impression counts.

            21- Encourage Comments On Your Blog

            Building out a community is a dream of every blogger. The more informal and friendly you are towards your readers, it is more likely for them to leave out a comment. Always replay to them in an encouraging way, and help them out in a professional manner.

            blog comments

            You would see those commentators becoming loyal fans of your blog in no time!. 

            22- Handle Negative Comments Wisely!

            Its too important and makes an impression over other readers too. Negative comments are always their and you just cant make every body happy in the world. But you ultimate success is to convert those haters into loyal fans.

            blog trolls

             Also checkout these 5 Effective Ways To Deal With Negative Comments On Blog

            And that would only happen if you would appreciate those commentators and say like :
            " I appreciate your comment though i would like to clarify this or that..."

            Something in this fashion so that the hater gets the room to become a fan and change his words later on. Don't corner him and force him to be even bitter. Blogger are kind of psychiatrist too :)

            23- Promote 'Easy Following'

            Place Facebook like boxes, Twitter follow button in most suitable places on your blog. Above the post, below the posts, above the fold on homepages etc.

            You may like to read:

            Make sure your readers get the chance the share your content easily. Sometimes you need to ask them to do so as they get distracted in other things on your blog. AND that's what ill be doing at the end of this post :)

            So don't forget to share this post too! That would mean a lot =)


            24- Always Edit Content Before Publishing

            Make sure, and make it your utmost priority that you go through your post and edit it in the end. Read out these productivity tips that i wrote few days back that talk about editing content.

            Minor typing errors leave a bad impression on your readers and they start taking your content less seriously.

            25- Paragraphing Is Too Important

            Notice how this post is divided into eye catching format. It becomes much easy for the reader to hover over the content if its divided into small paragraphs of few lines (3-4).

            You just have few seconds to convince the visitors to become a reader!. Formatting makes him to be that.

            Thanks a Lot!

            This was one of my greatest posts of all time. Hope these blogging tips were productive for you and would make a difference in your life.

            DON'T forget to share the post with your fellow mates. It would mean a lot to us. :)


             If you yet haven't started a blog, you can learn and get started from scratch from this getting started video!

            Featureso Sunday, 8 May 2016
            How Can Students Leave Their Job & Make Money Online?

            make money online students

            Making money online for some can be extremely easy. Much easier that the effort we put into our every day jobs in real world. 

             But for some, it can be like hitting the head with the wall with absolutely no positive results. Today, we see people all around in India/Pakistan confused about whether one could earn money online. Some think of it as a delusion and some have heard random stories of someone who made huge bugs online.

            Today, we'll go through the major ways through which you can surely making a decent living online and also, I would like to put forward some streams that you should avoid wasting your time upon. I tried tons of schemes online, and wasted hundreds of hours.

            The conclusion is this post it's self. Before we move forward, you can always go through some of the similar posts I posted in the paste. This topic is so vast and needs to be discussed every now and then so that more and more brothers/sisters could get benefited from it.


            1- Create a Blog - Build Your Online Empire

            Setup a blog in niche that you're in loved with or that has low competition in Google. Once you've your audience built up after blogging for 8-12 months, you can apply for Google Adsense and start monetizing our blog. There are couple of ways through which you  can make money with your blog.

            a- Setup Ads: You can setup Ads and use platforms such as Google AdSense, BuySellAds etc. There are couple of other Ads delivery network but they aren't quite profitable.

            banner ads

            b- Promote Products/Affiliate Marketing: You can become affiliates to different companies that offer products same as in your niche and promote their products. These companies offer commissions on every sale that you'd make.

             For example, I use Bluehost for my sub domains in BloggingeHow, and thus I love to recommend it to my readers. As I trust the product my self, I believe in it.

            affiliate products

            Like wise, you can go through Affiliate marketplaces to choose different products that you think are suitable for your niche. Clickbank is one great example.

            c- Monetize Email List: If you have spend some time researching about blogging and how to succeed, one basic and most important blogging tip that you would get is to 'create your email list'. This is so core and important which you'd only realize once you're 1 year into blogging.

            build email list

            Here, you should read: 6 reasons to get started with aweber - you'd be foolish otherwise

            You can put Adverts in your email broadcasts/Newsletters that you can charge on monthly basis. Platforms like BuySellAds allow putting adverts in email newsletters.

            Also, if your email list is of high quality, meaning by that people in your list are actual buyers and are targeted towards the product you are affiliate to and promote on your blog, you can also recommend this product to your list and get some extra profit out of these audience.

            d- Offer Services: You can offer various services on your blog such as 'Skype consultancy' in a field that people believe you're experienced with. There are many bloggers out there that offer 'Free WordPress Setup Service' which I offer my self too. Such services are helpful for the people who either don't have the skill to do it, or are short of time.

            In any case, you can earn from offering services to your blog's audience.

            You can also read:

             2- Create an Event Based Blog

            There is a huge potential to earn through event based blogs. Event based blogs are the ones that are short lived and are only aimed for a particular time period and targets a set event. For example, you would notice tons of blogs/websites popping up for free coupons and deals before New year or Black Friday or specially on Christmas.

            Bloggers build blogs (2-3 pages max)  before these event and try to rank them on the first page of Google. On these blogs, they either have banner ads setup, or they promote a particular product and earn commission from it on each sale.

            When the actual event arrives, Google would bless them with thousands of visitors which would help them earn big bugs. Some people only do event blogging.

            But the down side is that you're not able to build a brand name and loyal fans. After 30 years of event blogging, no one would recognize you with a brand name.

            3- Write For Other Blogs

            You can write for other popular blogs and earn a reputation online. With time, as your portfolio would become strong, you would be able to earn more on per article basis.

            4- Become  a YouTuber

            If you're crazy about making videos, then you can earn a decent amount on YouTube. I've seen people rising up on YouTube from nothing to well known celebrities who now tour different countries to visit their fans.

            How cool is that.

            YouTube have their own YouTube's partner program through which you can make money with your video by displaying Ads around them. As YouTube is owned by Google its self, these ads are Google AdSense ads and the process works just like how you would earn through any blog and Google Adsense combination.

            5- Freelancing - Monetizing your skills

            With popular freelancing sites such as Freelancer.com, Elance.com, Odesk.com and Fiverr.com, you can offer your skills (Any skill that you have can be offered in these platforms) and you could meet up with potential clients who would give you big orders.

            People have become millionares through freelancing. Once they get a decent setup, they build up their own companies and outsource the projects they get.

            Freelancing is huge now days!

            6- Selling Products on Ebay/Amazon

            If you're good at marketing, you can promote third party products on sites like Ebay/Amazon and earn commissions just like in Affiliate marketing through blogs.

            This requires quite a skill as you need to coupe up with the competition as there are tons of people already doing this. You'd have to research your marketing first on these platforms and the prices that those or similar products are priced at.

            Conclusion - Yes You Can

            If you have that urge and dedication that you can certainly make money online. With every business, there comes failures. It's pretty hard to not face any failure along the way, but what makes you a champion is that you don't quite at that point when you're down.

            I hope this post would help you out to start somewhere in the field of your interest and never look back.

            Best of luck

            JazakaAllah :)

            P.S For some motivation, I have attached these posts for you. Every time I read these again, I aim not to waste any moment more of my life :) Cheers.

            Featureso Sunday, 1 May 2016