Bluehost CRAZY Cyber Monday Limited Time Discount 2.95$/Month!

 Bluehost CRAZY Cyber Monday Limited Time Discount 2.95$/Month!

Bluehost is here with the best cyber Monday deals of all time with hosting solutions far better than other web hosting companies out there. If you've been reading a lot about blogging and it's success stories lately and planned to start your own blog, this is the perfect time for you to do so.

Cyber Monday sale comes only once an year, and these rates couldn't get any lower, so I would recommend you to grab a hosting account with Bluehost on this coming Monday InshaAllah.

Briefly, Bluehost is one of the best website/blog hosting companies out there where you can install WordPress (A very popular blogging platform) with a single click. The companies takes care of everything on your part like, it provides you with unlimited unlimited bandwidth so that you can drive as much readers on your blog as you wish and without crashing your blog due to tons of readership.

Along with that, Bluehost provides you with unlimited storage and an extremely user friendly cPanel that you would hardly get anywhere else.

In an all, Bluehost are the leaders in web hosting around the world and this is just the perfect time to get on board with them by starting your blog at the lowest possible rates.

If you sign up now, you'll be able to get an hosting account at 2.95$ per month, which is in all honestly a steal from a company of this caliber.

Note that this is a single time offer in a calendar year, so don't miss this chance! I've listed down the FAQs and Steps that you need to take to get this offer and signup for your first ever web hosting.

When Is This Discount Starting?

You can get Bluehost hosting at 2.95$ per Month after 1?2:0?1am on November 30?th MT) which becomes like about 7 hours after this post gets live. For now, the rate is shown at 3.25$ per Month. Keep coming back until the rate becomes 2.95$. Once it drops to that, get it as early as possible as you won't get any deal better than this for the rest of the year!

How Much I Save?

If you act on this massive sale, you tend to save about 40-50$ depending upon the package/hosting plan you pickup. Which is like 30-40% off!

How To Get This Bluehost Hosting At Such a Low Price?

1- Go to Bluehost website using this link ---> (Bluehost Cyber Monday Deal - Discounted Link)

Click on Get Started Now as shown in the image below.

bluehost cyber monday deal 2015 bloggingehow

2- Choose the Starter Plan as shown in the image below.

cyber monday bluehost deals package

The starter plan is more than enough for you to get started. It's the cheapest plan Bluehost has and offers you unlimited traffic bandwidth, which means you can drive as much traffic as you wish on your blog without having any tension of site down time.

You're good to go. This is what I personally use for my sub domains too.

3- Enter Your New Domain Name 

Now you have to enter a domain name (like in my case) of your new blog. Bluehost offers this one domain name totally free with web hosting, so that you can get started as quickly as possibly.

bluehost cyber monday new domain name
4- Finally Fill out the form and Choose the 36 Months Package as Shown Below

bluehost cyber monday 2.95 deal

Make sure that you uncheck all the boxes as shown in the image above. These are extra offers that you don't want at the beginning. They are just addons that would cost you extra.

NOTE: This 36 months package, which is 3 years, will save you the most amount and is recommended when it comes to search engine optimization too. Google prefers to rank websites and blogs higher that are registered for longer period of time, that is more than 1 year.

    • [message]
      •  ##check## In a statement from Google 
        •  Valuable (legitimate) domains are often paid for several years in advance, while doorway (illegitimate) domains rarely are used for more than a year. Therefore, the date when a domain expires in the future can be used as a factor in predicting the legitimacy of a domain
      This statement from them clearly shows that you should register your domain for 3 years. And what could be a better opportunity then this Cyber Monday Deal!

      Once you've entered your registration details, simply checkout via credit card or you can pay with Paypal too.

      Featureso Saturday, 28 November 2015
      75$ Giveaway Winner! - Eid ul Adha GIVEAWAY

      Giveaway winners of our recent 75$ cash giveaway had to be announced a week ago, though due to my illness I wasn't able to come back to the blog. I was in contact with the winners and I'm so excited to let you guys know about them.

      giveaway winners

      There were over 26,000 entries and it was such a pleasure to host it for BloggingeHow family. Without further, I would present our top three contestants.

      Giveaway Winners Are...

      Thank you to our top contestants which were Osama Usmani, Durai Sankar and Ricardo Arieira for taking first, second and third spot respectively.

      Looking forward to see you guys in next month's giveaway InshaAllah :)

      giveaway winners list

      Osama Usmani Feature Video

      Thank you everyone for being the part of the giveaway! I loved your comments and the aims you guys had to utilize the cash! Many of them were so touching and I wish I could just give millions of dollars away to all of BloggingeHow's family members :) With the support of you guys, we can one day do it too InshaAllah haha!

       I hope you guys are loving such cash giveaways as they give more opportunity to get something of your choice. We've couple of exciting giveaway coming up next and I'm really excited to share them with you brothers and sisters.

      I hope everyone of us get a chance to win in these giveaways. It was refreshing to see last time participants who couldn't win last time, performing so well this time.

      Tweet The Winner:

      Spread the love and let others know that are in your social circle about the winners. If you were not able to win this time, don't loose hope. These cash giveaways will be held consistently on BloggingeHow.

      Click To Tweet The Winners Now :)

      Featureso Friday, 6 November 2015